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Amazon Watch Thread

So, you don't actually know what "woke" means, yup.

How does my understanding of the "woke" negate any of the points I made about Amazon which is the topic of this thread?

I find it amazing that people here think I'm "shitting all over the thread" when I'm making genuine effortts to keep it on topic.

By all means challenge my opinions, but the least you could do is keep it on topic.

How does my understanding of the "woke" negate any of the points I made about Amazon which is the topic of this thread?

I find it amazing that people here think I'm "shitting all over the thread" when I'm making genuine effortts to keep it on topic.

By all means challenge my opinions, but the least you could do is keep it on topic.


Coward and bullshiter.
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That established, can folk stop engaging with him please? It's bad enough that he stinks up the bitcoin thread with his ignorant tripe without helping him escape into other threads too.

Sorry, with respect, no.

These cunts are all over social media and they fucking ruin any and all discussion.

We can't let it ruin this place, as well... which is why it absolutely has to be challenged and taken down.

Understand that some of the
returning banned posters are let back in, even though they really fucked the boards up.

But this kind of bollocks has to be sorted out and given the red card. Otherwise it be a flag for all sorts to come to here, possibly the last safe place left online, and get away with their own brand of crazy.

Imho, clearly.
In the absence of mod intervention you encourage him to ruin threads by engaging with him. This very thread being an example. You can't stop him from responding and winding you up further, or drive him off the site by poking holes in his arguments because he's either too thick to realise he's embarrassing himself or too deluded/obsessive to care. Slaggings only serve to give him something to reply to.

And if you must indulge yourself, at the very least don't quote him ffs, it's a little red bell telling him he's got something to respond to.
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Anyway ... Amazon.

If anyone would like to comment on their views as to whether Amazon should somehow be broken up and placed in the hands of the public / state, I would love to hear those views.

How should Amazon be broken up? Would that include AWS? Should that happen in each country and how would that affect relations with the United States?

I believe it's better to build better products and services in a decentralised way, that have the potentional to disrupt Amazon's market share.

In the case of AWS, that would take a lot of work as they offer an awful lot of services that are damn useful.
See? Anyone else might be perturbed by leaving an impression so poor that I'd seriously write the above, but for Staker it's in one ear and out the other.

I did initially try to answer his fucking stupid "killer questions" series where he asks inane how-do-socialists-intend type stuff that he could easily Google, but stopped when I realised it's all for show and that the answers don't actually matter or sink in, they're just an excuse for him to waffle some more. He'll ask the same thing later as though the previous conversation never happened. Pointless.
See? Anyone else might be perturbed by leaving an impression so poor that I'd seriously write the above, but for Staker it's in one ear and out the other.

I did initially try to answer his fucking stupid "killer questions" series where he asks inane how-do-socialists-intend type stuff that he could easily Google, but stopped when I realised it's all for show and that the answers don't actually matter or sink in, they're just an excuse for him to waffle some more. He'll ask the same thing later as though the previous conversation never happened. Pointless.
I didn't know socialists were one monolithic block. Thanks for clearing that one up. Were you elected as their spokesperson?

He'll ask the same thing later as though the previous conversation never happened. Pointless.
It's the best way to drag things back on topic.
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Sadly we won't be able to benefit from StakerOne's opinions on this topic, but there's a call to get people down to Coventry for a big demo on August 5th:

From the "rank and file combine", which is a new one on me but I think might be a Counterfire front/People's Assembly mk II.
Sadly we won't be able to benefit from StakerOne's opinions on this topic, but there's a call to get people down to Coventry for a big demo on August 5th:

From the "rank and file combine", which is a new one on me but I think might be a Counterfire front/People's Assembly mk II.

Are you sure you're not confusing StakerOne for Marty1? I thought it was the latter dude who worked for Amazon.
Are you sure you're not confusing StakerOne for Marty1? I thought it was the latter dude who worked for Amazon.
It was, but on scrolling up a bit it appears the former had been shitting over the past however many pages of this thread.
hmm marty1 had the weird medical advice to

sure him suggesting the sheep medication to people for COVID added to his downfall
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like this quote

Between 2019 and 2021, annual net profits from the company’s global operations nearly tripled to more than £25bn, while the personal wealth of the founder, Jeff Bezos, soared by more than £57bn during the first 12 months of the pandemic alone. With that windfall, Bezos could have given a bonus of £38,000 to every single Amazon worker on the planet and still remained one of the world’s wealthiest people. Instead, he commissioned a rocket to fly him into space and back. “I want to thank every Amazon employee and every Amazon customer,” Bezos declared upon landing, “because you guys paid for all this.”

thats capitalism
like this quote

Between 2019 and 2021, annual net profits from the company’s global operations nearly tripled to more than £25bn, while the personal wealth of the founder, Jeff Bezos, soared by more than £57bn during the first 12 months of the pandemic alone. With that windfall, Bezos could have given a bonus of £38,000 to every single Amazon worker on the planet and still remained one of the world’s wealthiest people. Instead, he commissioned a rocket to fly him into space and back. “I want to thank every Amazon employee and every Amazon customer,” Bezos declared upon landing, “because you guys paid for all this.”

thats capitalism
One of the reasons why any fuck who rocks up on urban praising the billionaire tech bros should be handed the red card. Immediately.
I'm still curious about how far the call for an Amazon demo this Saturday is something that's genuinely coming from Amazon workers and how far it's just external lefty groups trying to boost their profile, but also I've had a look at the forecast for this weekend and I definitely won't be making the trip to Coventry either way.
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