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Amazon Prime streaming video recommendations thread

We watched Parasite at the weekend. It's an acclaimed Korean black comedy/thriller about a poor family who insinuate themselves into the lives of a rich family. Very funny in places and quite entertaining but gets very dark in the second half. I read the reviews afterwards and they're all about the film being metaphorical and meaningful, which is probably a bit too highbrow for me as far as films are concerned, but it's a good watch.
I liked the film but I thought as a highbrow film, it lacked depth, as a comedy its timing and tone were frequently off and as a thriller it wasn’t actually thrilling. A good, fun, solid film but not the second coming I had been led to expect.
We watched Parasite at the weekend. It's an acclaimed Korean black comedy/thriller about a poor family who insinuate themselves into the lives of a rich family. Very funny in places and quite entertaining but gets very dark in the second half. I read the reviews afterwards and they're all about the film being metaphorical and meaningful, which is probably a bit too highbrow for me as far as films are concerned, but it's a good watch.
I liked the film but I thought as a highbrow film, it lacked depth, as a comedy its timing and tone were frequently off and as a thriller it wasn’t actually thrilling. A good, fun, solid film but not the second coming I had been led to expect.
I can’t be bothered to search for it now but distinctly remember reading a review from one of the main BBC critics when it came out, and he was pretty much saying it was probably the best film he’d seen in the last two or three decades.

I mean, fuck off :D

It was pretty good and I’m perfectly happy for it to have scooped all those awards as it was probably the best movie out last year, but the OTT collective wankfest among the professional review circuit was flabbergasting. It is actually unfair on the film and its writers/ cast and director, as it gets built up so much you end up feeling a bit underwhelmed. Whereas if I’d discovered it by chance on a streaming platform I’d been praising it to the four winds.

The critics do this from time to time. See also The Disaster Artist.
ZeroZeroZero - Italian crime series with three intertwining stories set around a shipment of 5 tonnes of coke. Narcos minus the affable drug enforcement agents or charismatic narrators or anything upbeat at all, this show is bleak. Excellent soundtrack courtesy of Mogwai.
ZeroZeroZero - Italian crime series with three intertwining stories set around a shipment of 5 tonnes of coke. Narcos minus the affable drug enforcement agents or charismatic narrators or anything upbeat at all, this show is bleak. Excellent soundtrack courtesy of Mogwai.

Three episodes in and I'm loving it. Is it a joint Sky/Amazon thing? I'm watching it on Now.
ZeroZeroZero - Italian crime series with three intertwining stories set around a shipment of 5 tonnes of coke. Narcos minus the affable drug enforcement agents or charismatic narrators or anything upbeat at all, this show is bleak. Excellent soundtrack courtesy of Mogwai.
This is on my watch list.
it's not the critics fault for liking a film more than you did!

I liked Parasite a lot, and I suspect it's one of those films that gets better with repeat viewings. Kermode (who was calling it the best film of the last decade or whatever) has seen it a few times. If I re-watch it, it'll probably be the b&w version.
it's not the critics fault for liking a film more than you did!
It's not a question of them liking it more than me. It's a question of elevating the film to a degree of greatness that to millions of us seems wholly disproportionate. That a film was significantly better than all others on a given year doesn't automatically make it one of the all-time greats, let alone the best film of the last few decades.
It's not a question of them liking it more than me. It's a question of elevating the film to a degree of greatness that to millions of us seems wholly disproportionate. That a film was significantly better than all others on a given year doesn't automatically make it one of the all-time greats, let alone the best film of the last few decades.
Some people think it was though
Stop whinging. You didn’t like the tone so you weren’t going to like it. That’s your problem, no one else’s.
I said I did like it, actually. I just didn’t think it was the greatest film for decades or anything. I thought it was a decent 4-star film.
I think it was excellent and easily the best film of last year. It is highly rewatchable and I get something different from it each time. Whether I think it is the best film of the last ten, twenty or however many years is entirely irrelevant. But your notion that someone who did find it the best film for decades are idiots who don’t understand film (which must be your notion for you to write ‘Those people need to not be professional film critics’) just shows you up as plain daft.

critics like a movie more than you did! They must be morons then.
I've just finished Upload, which I quite enjoyed, and am now on Forever which I'm also liking.
I liked it also. Started great, felt like it was dropping a bit in the middle but then ended up nicely and strongly. Similar to The Good Place in some ways.

I’ve probably plugged this about five times ITT already, but if you haven’t watched Undone yet I reckon you’ll much enjoy it. Used to be on Prime, hopefully still is. Eight episodes, and if you think the first one is a bit meh I urge you to finish it and start the second one, because five minutes into it the second everything has taken an amazing new direction. One of the most imaginative TV shows in living memory.
Three episodes in and I'm loving it. Is it a joint Sky/Amazon thing? I'm watching it on Now.
Something like that, I torrented it as it isn't on Netflix. I watched the finale just now and the only disappointing thing about it is that there won't be any more. I think I'm going to have to watch Gomorrah next on the strength of this.
Something like that, I torrented it as it isn't on Netflix. I watched the finale just now and the only disappointing thing about it is that there won't be any more. I think I'm going to have to watch Gomorrah next on the strength of this.

Yeah, I've seen the Gomorrah film, but not the TV show. I can see me watching that next.
I watched True Story yesterday. It’s a pretty bland vehicle for (srs actor mode)Jonah Hill and James Franco. Based on a true story but just... Franco plays a man who killed his wife and kids (a depressingly common crime, and therefore, although the film paints him as this rare monster, and his crime as improbably awful, there’s zero surprise when he’s found guilty). Hill is the disgraced ex-new York times writer who spots his chance to write an “in cold blood” type book and gets access to the prisoner in return for helping him be a better writer.
Since the “innocent/guilty” thing is never really in question, the film needs something else. Menace? Intense chemistry between the two men? But none of that happens.
I’d say “don’t bother” but I kind of want someone else to watch it so I can have a confused conversation about how a film can be so damp.
We crawled to the end of series one of The Americans last night, but won't be bothering pushing on. Everyone in it is too annoying, and no-one acts like humans would do, never mind as secret agents would. And the back and forth relationship crap is a total snoozefest. Shame as there was some genuinely great bits throughout, but in the end there was too much ballast.

Not sure what to try next, everything we've tried watching recently we've struggled to make it all the way through a series.
We crawled to the end of series one of The Americans last night, but won't be bothering pushing on. Everyone in it is too annoying, and no-one acts like humans would do, never mind as secret agents would. And the back and forth relationship crap is a total snoozefest. Shame as there was some genuinely great bits throughout, but in the end there was too much ballast.

Not sure what to try next, everything we've tried watching recently we've struggled to make it all the way through a series.
Have you seen The Good Place
We crawled to the end of series one of The Americans last night, but won't be bothering pushing on. Everyone in it is too annoying, and no-one acts like humans would do, never mind as secret agents would. And the back and forth relationship crap is a total snoozefest. Shame as there was some genuinely great bits throughout, but in the end there was too much ballast.

Not sure what to try next, everything we've tried watching recently we've struggled to make it all the way through a series.
I tried this on the many recommendations, gave up mid episode 3. There are no good series that I can find on Prime or Netflix.
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