Pretty depressing reading this . According to the Independent some British volunteers have been using the opportunity afforded by the distress of Calais migrants to exploit them sexually . Some women volunteers in particular have also been allegedly targeting under age boys for exploitation.
Independent have lifted it originally from an online discussion on the Calais People To People Solidarity Facebook page . Unsurprisingly the whistleblower ...a male volunteer..was subjected to a tirade of abuse alleging sexism, racism etc for even raising the subject ? As usual anger by some and a desire to sweep abuse under the carpet .. A commentator has described some of what's gone on as sex tourism, pretty much .pretty despicable behaviour from some given the inequality involved as regards power relationships . But doesn't appear there's a great deal anyone can do about it . The allegations of exploitation also appear to be confirmed by other aid groups
Volunteers in Calais Jungle accused of 'sexually exploiting' refugees
Seems for some of a predatory nature every cloud has a silver lining .