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AI Dungeon


Craicy the Squirrel
I'm surprised this hasn't turned up here yet. This one is basically what happens when an oldschool text adventure game and a very drunk and moody fanfiction-writing AI decide to get together and have wildly deformed babies.

There's a lot of stuff on YouTube about this, but I tried it myself for the first time here:

Like a traditional text adventure game, you can type in actions and words, but it's less likely to interpret a poorly-formulated command with a digital shrug, and more likely to completely send you off the rails of your own adventure while at the same time railroading you into something else. It's like having the two worst Dungeon Masters in the world running your session at once. You can undo and redo actions and events to salvage a narrative that goes astray, which is helpful. You can set quests (hit the little menu icon in the top right), but I've yet to try that out, since I've been having fun with whatever the AI has thrown at me so far.

You can start off by choosing what from a range of genres, including a custom setting allowing you to roll your own. You can also choose classes. These are basically narrative cues to start off the adventure, but AI being AI, adventures can go elsewhere very fast. There's quite a few other things like game modes (including a "hardcore" permadeath mode) which I haven't finished playing around with myself.

Here's an edited highlight of the little cyberpunk adventure I've been having this afternoon. Gentlefolk, I present Carnifex Maximus, cyborg for hire:

You go to the casino on Deck 7. As you make your way down the hallway, you see a uniformed police officer blocking the way. He stands at the ready with his arms crossed, barring your passage.

You say "Good day to you officer, what seems to be the problem?" "Hands in the air!" the man says.
You look to your left and see an open hallway, with a row of locked doors leading off it.

You run down hallway and open maintenance hatch. You run down the hallway and quickly hit the first door, hoping it leads to an area with no cameras. You find yourself in a bathroom, which seems to be the only door without a lock on it.

You attach the suppressor to your pistol and load it with subsonic rounds. You quickly get to the door with the lock and put your ear up against it. You can hear voices on the other side, but cannot make out what they're saying.

You activate an enhanced hearing implant to make out the voices. Activating the implant increases the sound of your surrounding by 5 decibels, enough to allow you to hear the other voices clearly. "Well, that's not going to work," the first voice says.

"The so-called man is a fucking cyborg, he's probably replaced half his brain with a computer so he can think twice as fast with half the IQ. Just make sure you've got Disrupter rounds loaded!" the second voice replies.

"I thought we were going to use the gas rounds?"

"He might not even need to breathe any more, you idiot! Ready on my mark."

"Okay, I'm ready. Let's do it now!" You hear a loud click as the door locks open.

You wait patiently, and a few moments later you hear the footsteps of the officers walking down the hallway. When they get close, you stand up, quickly load your weapon and fire through the door. A fusillade of whisper-quiet .45CL bullets rattle off the chest plate of the first officer's ballistic armour, but two rounds catch his unprotected face and reduce it to a bloody mess. As the first police officer collapses, the final two rounds in your pistol's magazine catch the second officer in his likewise unarmoured shoulder. He curses and drops his weapon. You're about to fire your final bullet into his head when he turns around and knees you in the groin.

You say "Nice try Officer, but the Army already took my balls!"

"What the hell?" the man says, kneeling down next to you. You look up at him and he quickly backs away, dropping his gun. "Ah, Jesus Christ!" he says.

You say "And tell your employers that bent cops make fucking lousy minions, pig!" The man turns and runs down the hallway. You lie in bed for a few minutes, trying to regain feeling in your legs and groin.
Yeah I downloaded it and it's on my phone, and I really like it.

The problem is me.
When I have control of the game, it gets....dark.
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