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Afghan woman stoned to death for supposed 'adultery'


Evil barbaric stone age cunts.


A young woman has been stoned to death in central Afghanistan after being accused of adultery, officials say.

A 30-second video appearing to show the punishment has been posted online.

The clip shows a woman in a hole in the ground surrounded by turbaned men who hurl stones at her. The man she was accused of eloping with was lashed.

The woman, named as Rokhshana and aged between 19 and 21, can be heard repeatedly and desperately professing her Muslim faith as the stones strike.
Afghan woman accused of adultery is stoned to death - BBC News

There's a horrible video here (it's pixellated but still fucking awful to watch): Afghan woman stoned to death for supposed 'adultery'

Yes, I know it's absolutely pointless me banging on about it. But fuck. What kind of monumentally screwed up men come to the conclusion that it's just fine to murder a woman trapped in a hole in the ground in the name of religion just because she decided to do something with her own body in private?
Yes, I know it's absolutely pointless me banging on about it. But fuck. What kind of monumentally screwed up men come to the conclusion that it's just fine to murder a woman trapped in a hole in the ground in the name of religion just because she decided to do something with her own body in private?

The truly maddening thing about it is that those people almost certainly believe that God is responsible for everything that goes on.
What I mean is that picture seems to show a woman about to be buried to the neck. I thought I had read somewhere that women should only be buried to the waste so that if it's god will they can escape, men to the neck because they are apparently stronger.

no, the other way - deeper for women, to protect their modesty !
it is still totally barbaric and misogynistic behaviour "regulated" by a religion based almost in the stone age.
seems ludicrous possibly to respond with 'oh god', but having made the mistake to watch the video my only response was 'oh god'


To be afraid like that. I'm not sure i'd really want anyone to go through that.
The truly maddening thing about it is that those people almost certainly believe that God is responsible for everything that goes on.
Really? Or is god a convenient excuse for maintaining the status quo? Patriarchy rules OK.
Really? Or is god a convenient excuse for maintaining the status quo? Patriarchy rules OK.
yeah really. Some people believe. And act in accordance with it. Hence this vile shit. They aren't laughing up their sleeves about having fooled everyone when they chuck a homosexual off the top of a building either. They believe. And ain't that the more scary thought?
yeah really. Some people believe. And act in accordance with it. Hence this vile shit. They aren't laughing up their sleeves about having fooled everyone when they chuck a homosexual off the top of a building either. They believe. And ain't that the more scary thought?
Aye, mebbes I'm just looking for a bit rational comfort in thinking they can't really believe in some God needs them do be doing this?
Bugger, how can anyone who uses a computer or smart phone, who knows the basic laws of physics, or can even read, justify this Shyte?
I feel physically sick and numb and haven't watched the video. How can a belief drive anyone to such an act of evil on another human being.
Really? Or is god a convenient excuse for maintaining the status quo? Patriarchy rules OK.

probably a bit of both really - it is cultural and religious. Fundamentalists from various religions can have very fucked up beliefs and it isn't just an excuse to maintain any status quo, people do believe in this stuff in addition to these beliefs being used/manipulated by people. Plenty of adultery convictions are likely the result of petty squabbles - it isn't just 'patriarchy' either, you'll get men stoned too for adultery. Just as the 'blasphemy' incidents in Pakistan can be the result of two neighbours having a dispute and one of them using the allegation to get rid of his neighbour - it is quite a dangerous allegation to be on the receiving end of as most lawyers there won't defend someone accused of blasphemy.

Religion is pretty dumb and there are unfortunately too many people in the world still brainwashed into following some form of it.
I've asked myself before, "why stoning?" and I think I've come to an answer of some kind. Let me know if I'm off base.

There seems to be a horrifying logic in the choice of execution method and why it persists - that of diffusion of responsibility. Get everyone in the local area to chuck a few stones at the condemned, and while the overall weight of projectiles ends up killing them, each participant can then go home and sleep well at night, safe under the impression that they personally didn't land the killing blow. The stroke of a sword or the pull of a trigger is a more individual act, with the ones carrying out the act bearing more the burden of responsibility on their shoulders. If I remember the posts of Bakunin on this kind of subject correctly, the job of executioner tends not to be a particularly long-term career choice except under specific circumstances.

Of course I reckon that this only a partial answer, but it might explain some things.
I'd add that the collective nature of the execution also has the effect of socially isolating those who object to the point of not participating.
I've asked myself before, "why stoning?" and I think I've come to an answer of some kind. Let me know if I'm off base.

There seems to be a horrifying logic in the choice of execution method and why it persists - that of diffusion of responsibility. Get everyone in the local area to chuck a few stones at the condemned, and while the overall weight of projectiles ends up killing them, each participant can then go home and sleep well at night, safe under the impression that they personally didn't land the killing blow. The stroke of a sword or the pull of a trigger is a more individual act, with the ones carrying out the act bearing more the burden of responsibility on their shoulders. If I remember the posts of Bakunin on this kind of subject correctly, the job of executioner tends not to be a particularly long-term career choice except under specific circumstances.

Of course I reckon that this only a partial answer, but it might explain some things.
stones plentiful and free

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