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Actions against the policing bill

In any righteous society, this photograph should be a cause for universal outrage. Particularly, since a colleague of the perpetrators was, a scant few weeks ago, charged with the abduction and murder of a young woman - I wonder if that ever crossed their minds as they were wrestling the clothes off this one?

Of course, this is not a righteous society, and I suspect that there will be those already constructing some kind of justification for how a woman can end up stripped in the street by a fistful of police officers :mad:
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On the same thread, Andy Burnham is is tagged and responds that he is asking questions of GMP. It's something, at least. But just wtf? :mad:

E2a Actually This thread of which the above tweet is a response
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Another Manchester date:



YouthStrike4Climate Taunton🌎 (@youthclimatestrike_taunton) • Instagram photos and videos are doing something in Taunton, no specific location yet:
And Animal Rebellion Hackney say "@people_before_profit are holding a #KilltheBill rally in Finsbury Park at 2pm this Friday at the Manor House entrance. Enfield, Haringey, Hackney and Islington branches have organised this North London event and welcome you to attend this united front against the #PoliceCrackdownBill" but I can't find anything else about it, and they've tagged the Irish group rather than the British one (who I guess may well be a SWP front anyway?)

Police middle manager puts onus on coppers on the ground to justify their own actions even though they were using long shields for shield strikes in a way which definitely was completely spur-of-the-moment and not a coordinated manoeuvre ordered through chain of command no sirree Bob.

Mayor's office deflects questions about greenlighting police violence ‘because that would be an ecumenical policing matter’.

If any rank-and-file crushers are in any doubt as to how this will play out, your bosses aren't backing you up, they are eyeing up whether (or perhaps when) they need to cut you adrift should it become politically expedient to do so.

Read through the Tomlinson inquest transcript of evidence from TSG supervisors through to Met managers, and tell me you can't picture the ever-growing bright blue sea they put between themselves and Simon Harwood.

Ring any bells?

Bet you're wishing you insisted you get your operational orders in writing at the briefing earlier that day, aren't you... Because there's a big difference between a Super not blatantly doing your knees on live radio, and actually fully supporting you - and saying “it’s for each officer to justify their individual uses of force, that’s a matter for them to justify, and if there are any complaints, they will be investigated and they need to justify what they have done” isn't much in the way of a glowing endorsement.

Guess the best you can do is hope the frothing-mouthed headbangers from the Fed get you out of this fine mess (narrator: They didn't)
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What Supt Runacres said:

“I’ve been in policing for over 25 years now, and it’s an unfortunate reality that in public order policing, the tactics that are used - the shield strikes that you’re referring to - that’s an absolutely legitimate and trained tactic that officers are coached on in their public order training.”

What Supt Runacres didn't say:

B. Training on the use of force

Public order training for commanders and public order units should fully incorporate training on the use of force which reflects the six principles set out above and includes:
(a) Legal tests for the use of force (reasonableness; absolute necessity); the principles of necessity and the minimum level of force and the ‘continuum of the use of force’ model (from communication and negotiation to escalation and back to de- escalation).
(b) Recognition that police officers have the right in law to use force in self defence or the protection of others but remain individually accountable for any use of force;
(c) Consideration of the impact of individual uses of force in a collective operational environment. Bronze commanders must consider the necessity of levels of force that can be reasonably foreseen, eg the response of individual officers to a command to disperse an unruly crowd.
(d) Existing requirements on the proper recording and reporting of all uses of force.
Training on the use of force should not be abstract but should consider the practical application of the use force in the public order context, for example, by instructing officers that the use of particular tactics, such as the edge of a shield or a baton strike to the head may constitute potentially lethal force.

From: Policing Public Order: An overview and review of progress against the recommendations of Adapting to Protest and Nurturing the British Model of Policing, Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary, 2011 (accessed 16 April 2014).
Police exonerate Police, quelle surprise

Nonononononoooo, that's a misconception, HMICFRS (and previously HMIC) is separate from the police and staffed with people representing all walks of life.

HM Chief Inspector of Constabulary & HM Chief Inspector of Fire & Rescue Services:
Tom Winsor - lawyer and former rail regulator

Inspectors of Constabulary:
Zoë Billingham - formerly a Cabinet Office senior civil servant
Matthew Parr CB - formerly a Rear-Admiral
Wendy Williams - formerly Chief Crown Prosecutor of CPS Direct
Nonononononoooo, that's a misconception, HMICFRS (and previously HMIC) is separate from the police and staffed with people representing all walks of life.

HM Chief Inspector of Constabulary & HM Chief Inspector of Fire & Rescue Services:
Tom Winsor - lawyer and former rail regulator

Inspectors of Constabulary:
Zoë Billingham - formerly a Cabinet Office senior civil servant
Matthew Parr CB - formerly a Rear-Admiral
Wendy Williams - formerly Chief Crown Prosecutor of CPS Direct
I guess it's not hard to see how such a misconception might arise... :hmm:
Big 'volatile guy Facebook stalks ex, bombards them with first-pleading-then-angry texts when he sees status updates showing they have moved on' energy from ASC here

Incidentally, Gogarty has tweeted that A&SC account of demos doesn't tally with his experience, which means that pretty much all the main local news journalists outside of the broadcast media (ie the Post, Cable & B24/7) have called the police out as liars
Incidentally, Gogarty has tweeted that A&SC account of demos doesn't tally with his experience, which means that pretty much all the main local news journalists outside of the broadcast media (ie the Post, Cable & B24/7) have called the police out as liars
What do you expect from a cuntstabulary bearing the name of a nonexistent county?
This is scathing of the cynical hacks who comprise the city's political class:

[...] My friend Sophie took a step towards them and said: ‘Please don’t… this is a memorial for Sarah Everard’. The Police Officer said: ‘F*ck Sarah Everard’, and hit her over the head with his baton. The force knocked her off her feet, and her head hit the ground with a thud. As she was laying on the ground, he kicked her in the stomach. I started screaming and a second Police Officer hit me in the face with his riot shield and I fell to the ground. Blood was pouring from my nose.

I couldn’t see Sophie at this point, there were too many legs in the way. I struggled to get to my feet. The last thing I saw was Sophie being dragged off by her hair – completely unresponsive.

I was hysterical and crying at this point. Everything seemed a blur. I eventually found Sophie and she was conscious, but very confused about where we were and what we were doing there.

The next day, we phoned the Police to report what happened. The Officer told us we were lying, and said: ”You’re lucky we’re not arresting you for criminal damage” [...]
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