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Actions against the policing bill

I hear that, been thinking about the photographs of injuries sustained by the person I mentioned here, and flashing back to a more personal encounter with SG truncheons and angry attack dogs (leading to an extended period of physio) not unadjacent to where the longhaired livestreamer got sucker-nicked :(
I'm remembering Stokes Croft and the feelings of resentment that my neighbourhood had been invaded by tooled up maniacs from across the country who had arrived with the express purpose of battering my neighbours (and me if I'd been unlucky). It's now happening again
I've been quite anxious and down today, not least because of videos and pictures like that. Not that they shouldn't be shown but seeing it in all its horror has not been great

It's always upsetting. Made worse by the knowledge that there is zero prospect of those responsible being held to account, especially not when everyone from the prime minister on down has already lined up behind them.

The one cold comfort is that the police's actions were so clearly motivated by cowardice and hatred. That's how they live their lives, in fear. Fear and piss-boiling rage at the fact that their own cowardice is shown up time and again by the fact there are always, always people willing to come out and stand up to them, with no weapons or armour or state backup whatsoever, and to do so not for overtime pay but because they believe it has to be done.

They have already been punished for their actions, and the punishment is they that have to live out their days as the sort of miserable invertebrate that would do such things in the first place.
Marvin Rees and Thangam Debonnaire now being outflanked to the left by... Stephen Williams (Lib Dem Bristol West 2005-2015)

1000+ out in Sheffield today. Marched through the city centre and sat down here and there (here being outside a cop shop and there being a main, but currently unused, road). Very good natured, young, very noisy and jolly rude to the police, of whom only two were visible. I left about half four, after a bloke had read out two poems.
Daughter is trying to find info on her friends who were arrested at the Manchester demo. Any links shee might try? Cheers
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