I'm remembering Stokes Croft and the feelings of resentment that my neighbourhood had been invaded by tooled up maniacs from across the country who had arrived with the express purpose of battering my neighbours (and me if I'd been unlucky). It's now happening againI hear that, been thinking about the photographs of injuries sustained by the person I mentioned here, and flashing back to a more personal encounter with SG truncheons and angry attack dogs (leading to an extended period of physio) not unadjacent to where the longhaired livestreamer got sucker-nicked
I've been quite anxious and down today, not least because of videos and pictures like that. Not that they shouldn't be shown but seeing it in all its horror has not been great
Well at least one MP is supporting the protestors.
“Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done.”Yebbut, she's female, foreign, and her surname is related to fruit, so she doesn't count </tory>
...and back at the police stationBrighton on the move now
And it's this sort of thing which will make the summer a) long and b) hot