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Accused rapist Ched Evans to be released from prison

I come on here once in a blue moon, to laugh at the social workers, ex teachers and all you other social failures, its comedy gold. All projecting some vision of a politically correct social utopia, to make up for your personal failures. You guys just don't get it.

I'd have thought that defending rape is more of a social failure than having a job helping people.
can you tell us who he was?
Actually it's a bit confusing - it was matched to a comedy troll account from years ago which was obviously somebody from here at one point (it was taking the piss out of an urbanite, there were a series of them) but I can't remember who if it was ever known, it was so far back.

It stops mattering after a while - the above was obviously by a returner and they were being a trolling twat in any case.
Its a new meaning in terms of rape, he picked up a woman too drunk to stand up, the court ruled she was too drunk to give consent, she never refused consent.

1) There is no "new meaning". All there is, is explication of original legislation.
2) The fact that she didn't refuse consent is irrelevant in law. It's not incumbent on women to refuse consent.
3) Evans didn't "pick up" the victim. He turned up at his mate's hotel room and raped a woman who was unconscious.

Legally now any woman who is drunk who goes to bed with a guy without stating consent could file a complaint the next day that she has been raped, as she was too drunk to give consent, if someone falls asleep during sex because they are drunk and never specifically gave consent, that too is now rape. Which is what Evens got 5 years for.

That's what the case means.

Only in your fevered brain, and the brains of other apologists for Evans's rapery.
Its someone's human right to earn a living in their profession after serving a sentence, obviously specific jobs are excluded for certain crimes, sportsman is not.

Actually, there's no specific human right to "earn a living in their profession", and even the right to earn a living full-stop is vague.
so you agree it doesn't show her walking to the hotel room with evans? why did you feel the need to lie about that?

Because he's exactly what he's accused others of being: A passive-aggressive, bedsit-dwelling masturbation artist who talks out of his arse.
And because he's a rape-apologist cunt.
I dont expect anyone to be able to answer this but what sort of person thinks that continuing to have sex with someone who has passed out is ok?
He really did defend the rapist footballer by saying he only continued to have sex with her after she fell asleep didnt he?
I dread my daughters meeting an animal like him
I dont expect anyone to be able to answer this but what sort of person thinks that continuing to have sex with someone who has passed out is ok?
He really did defend the rapist footballer by saying he only continued to have sex with her after she fell asleep didnt he?
I dread my daughters meeting an animal like him

actually, i don't think he ever stated whether, in his fantasy, she was conscious when evans started.

it's an unfortunately common view though. that proper rape requires the victim to have clearly indicated they don't consent and have fought back against a violent attack. they really don't understand that consent isn't just a lack of sufficient resistance.
This thread has reminded me of something that happened years ago. I was very drunk after an evening out with friends and a friend of a friend took me back to my flat. I remember being a bit flirty with him (because I did quite fancy him) but I really don't remember anything from the point we got home. When I woke up, my first thought was 'oh god, I bet L and I have had sex and I really didn't want to' and I was so, so relieved to find that he hadn't 'taken advantage' of me. He had instead put me to bed, fully clothed and gone home.

How fucked up is that? To be so grateful that my friend didn't rape me? I'm fairly most men wouldn't, but my expectation was that he would. I think this thread demonstrates the importance of consent in spades. There are a lot of men who don't seem to understand that asking a drunk woman for overt consent is absolutely crucial. I really don't see why that's so difficult. Unless of course you want to fuck her whether she really wants to or not.
It was stated in court she was too drunk to stand up, obviously not true. She went willingly to a hotel room at 3am with two strangers, had sex and fell asleep during it, that's the reality. You call that rape ?
She went with one and he didn't get sent down for rape. Why are you lying?
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This thread has reminded me of something that happened years ago. I was very drunk after an evening out with friends and a friend of a friend took me back to my flat. I remember being a bit flirty with him (because I did quite fancy him) but I really don't remember anything from the point we got home. When I woke up, my first thought was 'oh god, I bet L and I have had sex and I really didn't want to' and I was so, so relieved to find that he hadn't 'taken advantage' of me. He had instead put me to bed, fully clothed and gone home.

How fucked up is that? To be so grateful that my friend didn't rape me? I'm fairly most men wouldn't, but my expectation was that he would. I think this thread demonstrates the importance of consent in spades. There are a lot of men who don't seem to understand that asking a drunk woman for overt consent is absolutely crucial. I really don't see why that's so difficult. Unless of course you want to fuck her whether she really wants to or not.

I think what all the rapey cunts are trying to say, which I didn't get until now so apologies if everyone else got this right from the start, is that she gave consent and then withdrew it days later. This is making them all tremble because they're scared that the drunken woman from a few years ago that woke up to find they'd had sex with them is finally going to have some way to take them to court.
I think what all the rapey cunts are trying to say, which I didn't get until now so apologies if everyone else got this right from the start, is that she gave consent and then withdrew it days later. This is making them all tremble because they're scared that the drunken woman from a few years ago that woke up to find they'd had sex with them is finally going to have some way to take them to court.

don't forget that there's a fair few who really do believe that the easiest route to getting laid is finding someone too drunk to say no.
don't forget that there's a fair few who really do believe that the easiest route to getting laid is finding someone too drunk to say no.

And that is the truly depressing thing about this. I feel that the blokes who are shouting the loudest about this have a night or more of this kind of behaviour in their past.
And that is the truly depressing thing about this. I feel that the blokes who are shouting the loudest about this have a night or more of this kind of behaviour in their past.

and don't see any difference between two equally drunk people sort of falling into the same bed and them deliberately targeting the drunk woman of their choice.
and don't see any difference between two equally drunk people sort of falling into the same bed and them deliberately targeting the drunk woman of their choice.

That's the thing: they have abdicated all responsibility for their actions to the woman.
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