He and his family have entirely demonised her. I don't think they can see her as a real human being because if she's a real person with real feelings, what their vile son/boyfriend did is beyond despicable.Evans has released a personal video statement, basically apologising for his 'infidelity' and begging to be allowed to play football, claimed it was consensual,and he was stupid not a word about his victim
Having (thanks to this thread and free spirit's disturbing stance) read the appeal transcript, I think Clayton McDonald was bloody lucky to have got off. Interestingly, normally that level of accusation/evidence even if a not guilty verdict is returned, results in a fair amount of public and professional mistrust (Craig Charles springs to mind). Evans' conviction has diverted a lot of the negative attention McDonald would have otherwise received. I wonder if they're still bezzers?
Is McDonald a lot less successful as a footballer than Evans?