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Accused rapist Ched Evans to be released from prison

Evans has released a personal video statement, basically apologising for his 'infidelity' and begging to be allowed to play football, claimed it was consensual,and he was stupid:facepalm: not a word about his victim
He and his family have entirely demonised her. I don't think they can see her as a real human being because if she's a real person with real feelings, what their vile son/boyfriend did is beyond despicable.

Having (thanks to this thread and free spirit's disturbing stance) read the appeal transcript, I think Clayton McDonald was bloody lucky to have got off. Interestingly, normally that level of accusation/evidence even if a not guilty verdict is returned, results in a fair amount of public and professional mistrust (Craig Charles springs to mind). Evans' conviction has diverted a lot of the negative attention McDonald would have otherwise received. I wonder if they're still bezzers?

Is McDonald a lot less successful as a footballer than Evans?
He and his family have entirely demonised her. I don't think they can see her as a real human being because if she's a real person with real feelings, what their vile son/boyfriend did is beyond despicable.

Having (thanks to this thread and free spirit's disturbing stance) read the appeal transcript, I think Clayton McDonald was bloody lucky to have got off. Interestingly, normally that level of accusation/evidence even if a not guilty verdict is returned, results in a fair amount of public and professional mistrust (Craig Charles springs to mind). Evans' conviction has diverted a lot of the negative attention McDonald would have otherwise received. I wonder if they're still bezzers?

Is McDonald a lot less successful as a footballer than Evans?
McDonald has been very quiet of late, not surprisingly

he currently plays in the Conference (5th Division in the league structure) so yes, less successful as a footballer
Is McDonald a lot less successful as a footballer than Evans?
Yes, an average player in the lower leagues (one game for us, sadly). Evans was, far and away, United's best player. If he hadn't been, there would be nothing like the clamour for having him back. But there really is an attitude of 'we need him, so he's innocent'
Yes, an average player in the lower leagues (one game for us, sadly). Evans was, far and away, United's best player. If he hadn't been, there would be nothing like the clamour for having him back. But there really is an attitude of 'we need him, so he's innocent'
Well yeah. This is what I was wondering. No one would have given a shit if the situations had been reversed. Or very few people. But Evans had potential and he's raped that potential up the wall. So no wonder his girlfriend and his family want him to be forgiven. He was their ticket out of dullsville Wales
Well yeah. This is what I was wondering. No one would have given a shit if the situations had been reversed. Or very few people. But Evans had potential and he's raped that potential up the wall. So no wonder his girlfriend and his family want him to be forgiven. He was their ticket out of dullsville Wales
A really disturbing thing is that his partners father is supposed to be a millionaire so they actually don't need his money...people sometimes sell their souls for wealth but as they've actually got loads of it fuck knows what motivates their sick behaviour
So we agree on that at least.

Had they actually introduced that evidence/ expert witness testimony to the jury, chances are we wouldn't be having this conversation IMO.

And there's no question of whether there is evidence of what I'm saying on alcoholic blackout, it's established science, and referenced by mulitple papers and alcohol awareness websites etc. never mind my real world experience of it.

You may be right, I was assuming that because the appeal court had refused leave to appeal that this would set more of a precedent, but having read it in a bit more detail it does look more like a case of the legal team mounting a shit defence, and the appeal courts more rejecting the defence's attempt to change their approach to it on appeal / not considering it central due to the judge not using it in his summing up etc

well, I was saying that it could potentially result in any of those cases ending up in court, not that it would result in all of them ending up in court. ie that it would create a lottery on who was able to have drunken consensual one night stands, and who ended up having a one night stand with someone who later turned out to have been in alcoholic blackout, and ended up with the police involved for whatever reason and using this high profile case as their guide to whether to take action or not.

The bar was lowered in this case, I can't see how that can really be questioned. I will accept though that this may or may not actually impact on future cases, time will tell on that I suppose.

So what this boils down to is that, despite not hearing the evidence they did or being party to their reasoning, you think the jury returned the wrong verdict. Bizarrely, this is based on evidence that they didn't hear, because the defendant chose not to adduce it (and, in fact, adduced evidence which effectively said the opposite). You've abandoned the notion that this case sets a precedent, but suggest it might have an impact over time, despite the fact that it hasn't in the two and a half years that have past.

What an embarrassment.
A really disturbing thing is that his partners father is supposed to be a millionaire so they actually don't need his money...people sometimes sell their souls for wealth but as they've actually got loads of it fuck knows what motivates their sick behaviour
Yes, so I believe. And I'm sure that cash is funding their desperate media campaign. And it is desperate - their attacks on the media reports are getting ever more ludicrous.

Their motivation is very interesting - I think they've hitched to his celeb wagon and can't (or don't want to) get off. Imagine how shit it must be to be his girlfriend. For her to continue to support him, I can only assume h self-esteem must be on the floor
Well yeah. This is what I was wondering. No one would have given a shit if the situations had been reversed. Or very few people. But Evans had potential and he's raped that potential up the wall. So no wonder his girlfriend and his family want him to be forgiven. He was their ticket out of dullsville Wales
he was a very good player, would have been playing in the premiership by now had he not raped a woman, he had scored 100+ goals, and played for Wales
Am I right in thinking that Evans has been released early under some sort of licence or similar? (I know it's called licence when you're released from a life sentence, maybe it's called something different in this case)

If that's the case, isn't his current behaviour (demonising the victim, not simply waiting for his appeal but making provocative statements like this most recent one) potentially breaking the terms of that licence and possibly going to land him back inside?

Or am I totally misunderstanding how it works?
Am I right in thinking that Evans has been released early under some sort of licence or similar? (I know it's called licence when you're released from a life sentence, maybe it's called something different in this case)

If that's the case, isn't his current behaviour (demonising the victim, not simply waiting for his appeal but making provocative statements like this most recent one) potentially breaking the terms of that licence and possibly going to land him back inside?

Or am I totally misunderstanding how it works?
Standard release date, with good behaviour. There will be some form of license, but he wont have broken it with his statement. He made no comments about the victim, and can't be responsible for some other peoples' statements.
I think I'm right, though, that some footage of the victim prior to her going to the hotel was posted up on Ched Evans's site.

Is that legally acceptable, if it only gives a partial picture? :confused:

(Apols if I'm misremembering details from earlier up the thread)
Thanks redsquirrel . Not sure I'd want to actually find/watch that footage (I think I sort-of remember some much earlier posts on this thread about it also).

But I'd really like to know how the Police proceed with that. Bang out of order (to say the very least) to post it up, on any grounds thinkable :hmm: :mad:
I thoroughly disagree, to once again say the very least. with free spirit generally on this thread, but especially with his post on page 19 in reply to mine. But it's too late ;) to respond to that properly right now.

Suffice to say for now that my response to his position is not based on morality. Will get back to this some other time.
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saw on twitter that the woman who started the petition asking Sheff Utd not to sign Ched Evans (150,000+ signatures) has been getting rape threats from ched supporters:facepalm:

I wonder if this would actually happen sans internet anonymity. Nonces are generally despised regardless of their reasoning. And I've seen and heard some proper shite in my time but never anyone threaten rape. You'd get chinned pretty rapidly for that kind of talk in the real world.
Just watched the video. It's sickening, just an apology to his gf and a grovelling 'please let me play again'.

Fucking bizarre that a father would support his own daughter's bf when he'd been convicted of something like this tbh. Most dad's would be saying ' fuck him right off'.
Is it complicated? He's done his time and therefore, if we believe in the justice system, he has a right to work in certain jobs. He will never work with vulnerable people but you don't need to pass a DBS check to be a footballer.

This, basically. Whether people agree with it or not. He has served his time and is allowed to seek work in whatever professions are legal for him to do so.

I hear people calling for him to be given a lifetime football ban and such but the law doesn't work that way.

Having said that there is so much emotion flying about around this case i don't think any professional clubs are going to go anywhere near him.
This, basically. Whether people agree with it or not. He has served his time and is allowed to seek work in whatever professions are legal for him to do so.

I hear people calling for him to be given a lifetime football ban and such but the law doesn't work that way.

Having said that there is so much emotion flying about around this case i don't think any professional clubs are going to go anywhere near him.

Yeah, I have thought about this a lot since then and I have changed my mind. He's really high profile. So he has quite a lot of influence. Therefore he's a role model. If he's allowed to play for a Premier Division club again when he clearly has no remorse then what message does that send to children? To the boys it's "as long as you have enough influence then the consequences of a truly horrific crime are minimal." To the girls it's "if you get raped then your life as you know it will end and that's your fault." I can't support that.
Yeah, I have thought about this a lot since then and I have changed my mind. He's really high profile. So he has quite a lot of influence. Therefore he's a role model. If he's allowed to play for a Premier Division club again when he clearly has no remorse then what message does that send to children? To the boys it's "as long as you have enough influence then the consequences of a truly horrific crime are minimal." To the girls it's "if you get raped then your life as you know it will end and that's your fault." I can't support that.

What you are talking there are morals. Not laws and legal rights.

He's never played for a premier league team as far as i know. Sheffield United were/are league one at the time i believe. I had never even heard of the guy until i heard of the case.

In any case like i said I don't think any of the professional clubs in this country are going to go near him anytime soon.
What you are talking there are morals. Not laws and legal rights.

He's never played for a premier league as far as i know. Sheffield United were/are league one at the time i believe. I had never even heard of the guy until i heard of the case.

In any case like i said I don't any of professional clubs are going to go near him anytime soon.

It is a moralistic stance. I hope that he won't be employed by Sheffield United again because the way he has gathered support from some fans is sickening. I wonder how rape victims feel about that aspect of this case.
I think Sheffield United have already stated they would not offer him another contract. As i said I would be majorly surprised if any club in this country does.
I think Sheffield United have already stated they would not offer him another contract. As i said I would be majorly surprised if any club in this country does.
they've stated no such thing. They've been appaling throughout the whole affair (not least paying him 20k a week while he was in jail, as his contract ran out), and are still balancing the risks/benefits to resigning him.
I think Sheffield United have already stated they would not offer him another contract. As i said I would be majorly surprised if any club in this country does.

I wouldn't.

Rape is not seen as a serious crime by far too many people. In fact, it's seen as a joke by a lot of people. I think there's an opportunity here to send a message. Fuck Ched Evans; remorseless rapist and fuck all those utter bastards chanting his name on the terraces.
It is a moralistic stance. I hope that he won't be employed by Sheffield United again because the way he has gathered support from some fans is sickening. I wonder how rape victims feel about that aspect of this case.

this doesn't look a lot different to how a lot of rape victims are treated, just that his notoriety/popularity increaces the scale of the victim blaming, slut shaming and associated bullshit.
they've stated no such thing. They've been appaling throughout the whole affair (not least paying him 20k a week while he was in jail, as his contract ran out), and are still balancing the risks/benefits to resigning him.

Really. I thought he had his contract ripped up when he was found guilty?
I wouldn't.

Rape is not seen as a serious crime by far too many people. In fact, it's seen as a joke by a lot of people. I think there's an opportunity here to send a message. Fuck Ched Evans; remorseless rapist and fuck all those utter bastards chanting his name on the terraces.

i think a lot of that depends on who the victim or perpetrator are. there's a lot of judgementalism on lifestyle, plus a lot of race, class, and other dividers on whether it's seen as a henious attack on a innocent or whether the poor bloke is the real victim of a golddigger slut. ti's only seen as a serious crime if the perpetrator and victim fit certain stereotypes.
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