the result of outlawing abortion will not be fewer abortions. just like legalising abortion was not to allow abortions to happen. it was to make them safe, to stop women being killed by quacks with knitting needles and coat hangers. by people who remembered the alternative was baby farms and overlaying epidemics. and if you don't know what those are, then you need to educate yourself on that.
people with money will still be able to access abortion, unless you plan to pregnancy test every woman leaving and then returning to the country. people with less money and some level of education will be able to access medications online, others will go for herbal options. many herbswidely advertised as helping induce labour in overdue pregnancy will cause an abortion, if taken in early pregnancy. i've said before, I know several options, and that was without having intentionally gone looking for them. bvut for others, basically almost kill yourself with posion, from the sounds of things there's a large variety of options that will work. a slightly sub lethal dose to the woman will kill the foetus.
not as safe as chatting to your GP. but you've still got the option of turning up to the hospital if things go wrong. Just as women did before legal abortion. at least these days a lot will have options that aren't risking having their uterus perforated with a rusty coathanger.
the only people who will be effectively prevented from aborting are those who can't access the above options. people who don't have money or access to information. IE, the most vulnerable in society.
aren't they the women you were feeling sorry for?