I've got an opportunity to do something at work for National Vegetarian Week. Ideas so far are for some cookery workshops (nut-cheeses etc), taster sessions (things like pulled-jackfruit, maybe healthy stuff aimed at kids) and a recipe share.
If you are new to a meat-free diet, what sort of events would help you?
Who are your target audience?
I've generally been eating vastly less meat since Christmas, in no small part bc of a surfeit before.
But I'm also a pretty bloody good cook with a strong social streak, and it's the actual flavours (and health) of veggie food that gets me interested.
On which basis, a pot luck would really appeal. A recipe share might (though our house is already stocked with ottolenghi and Anna jones, both of which provide a slew of options - far more than I can really get through. (Ive taken to making whatever page the recipe book falls open on)).
Speaking entirely personally, meat and dairy imitations (e.g. Pulled jackfruit, Cauldron's godforsaken sausages, vegan fucking cheese), being "taught," and being moralised at would be massive "oh, fuck off, I'm going to go and eat a sausage" turnoffs.
(The reason I mention this is because our two good vegan friends really do fit the worst stereotype, posting so prolifically about how wonderful they are, cow mummies, etc that I've blocked them on fb because they do my tucking nut in. There are tonnes of properly joyous / fucking awesome things to do with veg; celebrating them, without any focus on exclusion / whether or not people are eating other things aside from veg, has always struck me as a far more powerful / infinitely less wanky means of promotion).
Then again, other things might work better for others. That's - clearly! - personal. But intended to give an idea of the why things work for me, in addition to the what.