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A question for new veggies/vegans and meat-reducers

mr steev

magic thought wizard
I've got an opportunity to do something at work for National Vegetarian Week. Ideas so far are for some cookery workshops (nut-cheeses etc), taster sessions (things like pulled-jackfruit, maybe healthy stuff aimed at kids) and a recipe share.
If you are new to a meat-free diet, what sort of events would help you?
How to up my intake of B12, vit D, E and calcium as these are the goodies that I seem to be consistantly deficient in
How to up my intake of B12, vit D, E and calcium as these are the goodies that I seem to be consistantly deficient in

That's a good one.
Marmite for B12 btw. You only need a trace though. If you're deficient it's more than likely something with your health that is stopping you absorbing it rather than diet based :)
That's a good one.
Marmite for B12 btw. You only need a trace though. If you're deficient it's more than likely something with your health that is stopping you absorbing it rather than diet based :)
I used cron-o-meter over the last year or so as an aid to shifting my belly and it was this that highlighted my consistant lack of B12. I keep meaning to have a go on the marmite. It sits at the back of the cupboard hiding behind just about everything else. Maybe breakfast tomorrow
I've got an opportunity to do something at work for National Vegetarian Week. Ideas so far are for some cookery workshops (nut-cheeses etc), taster sessions (things like pulled-jackfruit, maybe healthy stuff aimed at kids) and a recipe share.
If you are new to a meat-free diet, what sort of events would help you?
Who are your target audience?

I've generally been eating vastly less meat since Christmas, in no small part bc of a surfeit before.

But I'm also a pretty bloody good cook with a strong social streak, and it's the actual flavours (and health) of veggie food that gets me interested.

On which basis, a pot luck would really appeal. A recipe share might (though our house is already stocked with ottolenghi and Anna jones, both of which provide a slew of options - far more than I can really get through. (Ive taken to making whatever page the recipe book falls open on)).

Speaking entirely personally, meat and dairy imitations (e.g. Pulled jackfruit, Cauldron's godforsaken sausages, vegan fucking cheese), being "taught," and being moralised at would be massive "oh, fuck off, I'm going to go and eat a sausage" turnoffs.

(The reason I mention this is because our two good vegan friends really do fit the worst stereotype, posting so prolifically about how wonderful they are, cow mummies, etc that I've blocked them on fb because they do my tucking nut in. There are tonnes of properly joyous / fucking awesome things to do with veg; celebrating them, without any focus on exclusion / whether or not people are eating other things aside from veg, has always struck me as a far more powerful / infinitely less wanky means of promotion).

Then again, other things might work better for others. That's - clearly! - personal. But intended to give an idea of the why things work for me, in addition to the what.
Speaking entirely personally, meat and dairy imitations (e.g. Pulled jackfruit, Cauldron's godforsaken sausages, vegan fucking cheese), being "taught," and being moralised at would be massive "oh, fuck off, I'm going to go and eat a sausage" turnoffs.

I'm not really thinking of processed meat substitutes, more interesting/unusual things you can do with non-meat ingredients iyswim
I'm not really thinking of processed meat substitutes, more interesting/unusual things you can do with non-meat ingredients iyswim
I think it was the pulled jackfruit that drew my mind towards the bit you've quoted. In my - perhaps limited - circles, it's been approached primarily as a "meat imitator." So to speak. And I've yet to see any set of reviews that convince me it's a goer for swaying large herds of carnivores - though perhaps more useful for reluctant / morally convinced meat-missing veggies?

I might be talking out of my arse here, mind!
though perhaps more useful for reluctant / morally convinced meat-missing veggies?

I'm neither of those and I liked it :)
Tbh, it doesn't taste of meat (it doesn't taste of much really) The flavour comes from the sauce. But it does have a very meat-like texture when cooked right. I made some a while ago and took it to a party and it went down better than the pulled pork that someone else had brought along. Suprisingly, the two mates who ate the most of it were the two biggest carnivores there. That may have said something about my bbq sauce as much as anything though. lol
I'm neither of those and I liked it :)
Tbh, it doesn't taste of meat (it doesn't taste of much really) The flavour comes from the sauce. But it does have a very meat-like texture when cooked right.
You are totally selling this to me! ;)

Yeah, again, I suspect this is more about the 'school of vegetables' I come from, so to speak. Insofar as I prefer vegetables to be less filthy. Because they're pretty fucking great on their own. (Edit: And, imo, that your immediate comparison is with pork highlights exactly what I'm not looking for. Personally. (And that is, obvs, personally.))

I think it might actually have been your thread on jackfruit (?) that partly put me off, now you mention / describe it :D
You are totally selling this to me! ;)

Yeah, again, I suspect this is more about the 'school of vegetables' I come from, so to speak. Insofar as I prefer vegetables to be less filthy. Because they're pretty fucking great on their own.

Isn't that a bit close to dismissing vegetable curry dishes etc? The way I see it with jackfruit is that it's an interestingly textured fruit that works well with bbq sauce :) The fact that it's apparently similar to pulled pork is a bit irelevant to me as I can't remember what pork tastes like, and I'd never heard of 'pulled meat' (misus) before I stopped eating it.

I think it might actually have been your thread on jackfruit (?) that partly put me off, now you mention / describe it :D

Don't listen to me. Try it yourself :D
The thing I struggle with most of all about going completely vegan (I don't do dairy but still eat some fish) is when I come home tired and there's just a fridge full of vegetables and (because I'm tired) I just lack the imagination to create a meal. In those circumstances it's so much easier to grill some fish and steam some veg than have to think. So I think I would want some foolproof easy emergency dishes that are also nicely balanced nutritionally.
I used cron-o-meter over the last year or so as an aid to shifting my belly and it was this that highlighted my consistant lack of B12. I keep meaning to have a go on the marmite. It sits at the back of the cupboard hiding behind just about everything else. Maybe breakfast tomorrow

Don't forget its great in stocks and gravy!
The thing I struggle with most of all about going completely vegan (I don't do dairy but still eat some fish) is when I come home tired and there's just a fridge full of vegetables and (because I'm tired) I just lack the imagination to create a meal. In those circumstances it's so much easier to grill some fish and steam some veg than have to think. So I think I would want some foolproof easy emergency dishes that are also nicely balanced nutritionally.

I make big batches of veggie chilli and Dahl and stick them in the freezer to make more healthy microwave meals.

Could do with a few more though for variety.
I make big batches of veggie chilli and Dahl and stick them in the freezer to make more healthy microwave meals.

Could do with a few more though for variety.

I almost always make more than what is needed and freeze the leftovers. Lasagne, canalonni, soups, stews, chillies, curries, dals, pasta sauces, even fritters and potato pancakes for when I'm in a rush and can't be arsed to make some batter
I make big batches of veggie chilli and Dahl and stick them in the freezer to make more healthy microwave meals.

Could do with a few more though for variety.
My freezer isn't big enough sadly. Sometimes I do make veggie burgers and curries to last a few days but I end up feeling like I'm spending most of my free time cooking and when I actually really need them I've eaten them all.
I'm not a new veggie, but I'm a trying-to-be-vegan-again (again! :rolleyes: )

What I would find interesting is how to make quick things, that don't need an Ottolenghi-esque ingredient list. Meals that fit into working life and therefore make it easier to do.

Edit: Not in a 'make loads of stuff and freeze it' way, either :mad: not many people have the time for that shit, or space for a freezer.

Friends of mine with a veggie child need to know how to incorporate their kid's diet into the rest of the family's meals without having to totally cook twice.
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I've got an opportunity to do something at work for National Vegetarian Week. Ideas so far are for some cookery workshops (nut-cheeses etc), taster sessions (things like pulled-jackfruit, maybe healthy stuff aimed at kids) and a recipe share.
If you are new to a meat-free diet, what sort of events would help you?

Couple of things I would suggest:

A milk and cheese tasting session. I've tried and not liked a few (almond, soy, cashew milk; cashew cheese, coconut cheese seemed ok but I only had a pinch) and I'm not keen on spending the money to try others I might not like and waste loads of it but I would like to give up dairy (or milk at least), so having the opportunity to try most/all the options would be good and I reckon you'd get people trying out of pure curiosity as well a those looking to cut dairy.

Protein when you don't like mushrooms. A lot of my cooking is meat and two veg style and mushrooms are the most common substitute for the meat bit, bean/lentil otherwise I suppose which is ok but not much variety, so more/wider ideas for this kind of thing would be of interest (though that might just be lots more bean/lentil recipes I suppose, idk hence interest).
Any kind of recipe swap would be good I think, desserts would probably be another good one to do as a taster, as would get a wider audience of curious/sweet toothed people.
They definitely need to change the name of Jackfruit to something like Bison fruit, because it doesn't sound manly enough. Seriously I think the key to moving people from meat to vegetarianism, which is actually what I'm doing myself is to make vegetarian dishes which are as rich as meat dishes. And that takes some cooking skill which many people are lacking, so it is great what you are doing, showing people how to cook vegetarian. I'm referring to oil/butter and coconut cream laden dishes which really can compete toe to toe with pork sausages.
I used cron-o-meter over the last year or so as an aid to shifting my belly and it was this that highlighted my consistant lack of B12. I keep meaning to have a go on the marmite. It sits at the back of the cupboard hiding behind just about everything else. Maybe breakfast tomorrow

You should take a supplement. A Sainsbury's standard multivitimin gives you 100% RDA.
I used cron-o-meter over the last year or so as an aid to shifting my belly and it was this that highlighted my consistant lack of B12. I keep meaning to have a go on the marmite. It sits at the back of the cupboard hiding behind just about everything else. Maybe breakfast tomorrow

Here is the vegan society guide for b12:

What Every Vegan Should Know About Vitamin B12

I like talking a multivit supplement myself because I know I'm getting the RDA automatically, and they are cheap and you also get lots of other vitamins with them too. You can get by on fortified foods like plant milks, cereals and nutritional yeast though.
Here is the vegan society guide for b12:

What Every Vegan Should Know About Vitamin B12

I like talking a multivit supplement myself because I know I'm getting the RDA automatically, and they are cheap and you also get lots of other vitamins with them too. You can get by on fortified foods like plant milks, cereals and nutritional yeast though.
I bought a tub of 30 or whatever a year ago and kept forgetting to take them, got through them in about nine months, so I guess they fortified me a bit. I remembered to eat a shitload of marmite this morning though
That's a good one.
Marmite for B12 btw. You only need a trace though. If you're deficient it's more than likely something with your health that is stopping you absorbing it rather than diet based :)
One thing people don't realize is that tea, delicious tea, not only inhibits the uptake of iron but actually leaches iron from you.

So you should replace at least one cup of tea a day with a cup of hot, steaming marmite. It's actually quite nice as a drink.
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Meat alternatives . Quorn, Linda McCartney, Supermarket Own Brand, etc. Taster sessions of 'chicken' style nuggets, veg-kievs, sausages, burgers, soy mince, fake bacon etc etc. I love trying those things out.
Meat alternatives . Quorn, Linda McCartney, Supermarket Own Brand, etc. Taster sessions of 'chicken' style nuggets, veg-kievs, sausages, burgers, soy mince, fake bacon etc etc. I love trying those things out.

Whilst many of them can be passable, Im not convinced they would impress many meat eaters.
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