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A non-shit supermarket delivery company?


Well-Known Member
Can anyone recommend a supermarket delivery which hasn't become shit? I'm guessing this isn't uniform but last time I ordered from Morrisons, a third of the food was already spoiled despite being labelled as before the best before date and a chunk of it was damaged as well. But that's still better than Sainsbury's which have been around an hour late for the past few deliveries until last night didn't turn up at all, leaving me waiting till well gone midnight. I spent 30 mins on hold this morning and all I got was an offer to deliver this morning instead.
Tesco? I may speak too soon, I have a delivery scheduled for this afternoon. they are normally alright, but these days, who knows.
Sainsbury's seem alright, I've only used them once recently though.

I've become annoyed at Asda, they take the piss in various ways. Actually I think they may have improved again a bit recently, I'm assuming it all went to pot a bit when they took on a million new workers to cope with the lockdown demand. I'm still using them cos they're cheap though.
It varies wildly I'm sure.
Too many variables.
If we use online deliver we generally go for Asda, based on cost more than anything.
It is generally fine.
From personal experience: Ocado before the M&S switch was excellent (and NB Waitrose ≠ Ocado for deliveries - well certainly not any more, but even then).

Now - they’re all pretty poor. Waitrose and Ocado will refund the cost of anything you say is missing/spoiled without any questions though.
Sainsburys with £1 saver slot. Pretty good IMO.

I've not had any problems with Sainsburys. They have never been late. although they have been early a couple of times. And I like that you can choose which items can and can't be substituted.
I use Sainsbury's [choice includes Asda & Tesco, who frequently have zero slots in our area - I still see their vans, just not as often]. We have a local branch but the deliveries come from a warehouse about 55 miles away.
Cost of booking a timed slot varies, but we've been happy to take the cheaper times [ie late evening / night].
Very few substitutions / product unavailable, or damaged/spoiled stuff over the past few months that I can recall. And that includes the few frozen items we buy. Those that are "below par" have been refunded by the following day.

The funniest substitution - we get a weekly rag "RAIL" and once recently we got a TV weekly guide instead.

Pleasantly surprised by how often the truck has turned up early - the drivers will ring to see if you are available, best on that was over two hours before the booked time. I am usually WFH so not a problem, only once were we out of the house / area at the time of the call, and we got back about 20 minutes before the start of the booking, and the driver was only a few minutes away at that point. [I reckoned he was parked at the farm opposite, several times in the past year the van has been there either before or after dropping our stuff.]

However, the last trip was not so timely, for the first time. Several hours before it was due we were told it would be late and then we were asked to re-book, for at least 24hrs later. Turns out the petrol panic & a little bit of suspected covid in the driving teams had messed up the routes.

Can't get ocado - outside of their area, although I have seen their vans once or twice. Oh, Iceland and Morrisons also "do" around here, so we do have some choice, but as we are satisfied with them, we've stayed with Sainsbury's. I have heard various [horror] tales about the others as I know a few people who were [or are still] isolating or don't drive.
Iceland were ok until I learned the CEO gives money to the tories (mind you most of them probably do), I'd like co-op but they don't deliver in my area and I hear they're using Amazon, never had a problem with Morrisons although I will start checking use-by dates.
Sainsbury's always good for me. Stuck my folks on the vulnerable list for priority delivery during lockdown. Very grateful for that at the time and have stuck with them since.
We use Tesco usually but have had a couple of issues recently with late/cancelled deliveries. However we did get a £75 delivery for about a tenner as clubcard vouchers were nearly expired so put them all on.

We used to use Asda but I fell out with them after they substituted beef burgers for a kg of beef mince. I get it, and it was a pretty creative solution, but the reason I ordered burgers was because I didn't want to make them.

I suspect they're all much of a muchness but locally there might be a bit of variation with certain individual stores being better at customer service.
I use Ocado - not had a problem with them, and they're always on time or early (particularly if you have a late evening slot).
I also use Sainsbury's, with generally no issues (one driver claimed I wasn't in, then I watched him drive off without delivering but that was pre pandemic). Usually they're prompt if not early and have what I asked for. I used to use Tesco but they mysteriously did something to my account during pandemic times so I wasn't eligible for any slots despite being vulnerable and shielding. So fuck Tesco.
I like Ocado. I find them more expensive than Waitrose, as they don't have 'own brand' apart from M&S, but the service is good.
Not had supermarket food delivered recently but i have had tesco deliveries in the past and never had a problem.
Can anyone recommend a supermarket delivery which hasn't become shit? I'm guessing this isn't uniform but last time I ordered from Morrisons, a third of the food was already spoiled despite being labelled as before the best before date and a chunk of it was damaged as well. But that's still better than Sainsbury's which have been around an hour late for the past few deliveries until last night didn't turn up at all, leaving me waiting till well gone midnight. I spent 30 mins on hold this morning and all I got was an offer to deliver this morning instead.

I wouldn't hold last night against Sainburys with too much gusto as the run on petrol is effecting everything atm.
mum-tat uses sainsburys and ocado (and occasionally tesco, although think with them you have to pay so much for a year's worth of deliveries and she may have come to the end of that year or something)

occasional damaged items and some fairly absurd substitutions (can't remember off hand what) but generally fairly good with sainsburys, ocado seem generally good.

i did get as far as thinking about it when i had a self isolation spell before xmas last year, but managed without (there's a local milk round that does the basics) and at that time, think it was pretty difficult for any new customer to get deliveries.
I use Sainsbury’s as they will come out for a quid which is cheapest delivery I can get out there. Don’t order much fresh stuff as I can’t use it quickly enough and struggle to fill a £40 basket at times.

I don’t think any one is better or worse really, it will be down to how good the local store is and that’s down to the individual manager and their team I suppose.
the other thing that irritates mum-tat about sainsburys is that her nearest sainsburys (about a mile away) is a fairly big one. the one that does deliveries in her patch is a smaller one slightly further away, and doesn't stock all the items that she wants - in normal times, going to the bigger one for a few things every now and then isn't a big deal, but was more difficult during the lockdown (she's 80+ so was trying to avoid going to places where there would be other people at the worst of it all)
Iceland were ok until I learned the CEO gives money to the tories (mind you most of them probably do), I'd like co-op but they don't deliver in my area and I hear they're using Amazon, never had a problem with Morrisons although I will start checking use-by dates.

Other way round - it's Morrisons that use Amazon.

They are fairly reliable though. My local Sainsbury's used to be OK, but recently they've been missing so many items it's not worth the effort - usually over half the order isn't delivered due to being out of stock, and that even goes for the simplest things like jacket potatoes. I think it's probably a local problem, but it's been like that for several months now.

I'm just going to experiment with all the ones that give out free delivery/discount vouchers for a while.
Other way round - it's Morrisons that use Amazon.


round here, morrisons (appear to) have their own vans, and i did read something about the co-op getting in to cahoots with amazon :facepalm:

another thought on ocado - the van delivery drivers are (from what i gather) proper employees, but ocado zoom seems to be outsourced, gig economy shit pay + conditions. more (IWGB) here

round here, morrisons (appear to) have their own vans, and i did read something about the co-op getting in to cahoots with amazon :facepalm:

another thought on ocado - the van delivery drivers are (from what i gather) proper employees, but ocado zoom seems to be outsourced, gig economy shit pay + conditions. more (IWGB) here

Morrisons have been doing deliveries via Amazon for a couple of years at least. Apparently the Co-Op are about to start using them for some deliveries too, but I don't know how widespread it'll be.
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