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80 Blocks From Tiffany's - 70s NYC gang doc

Sweet FA

✪ Three rounds Lord, in my .44 ✪
Read this article in the Guardian Guide on Saturday and watched the film here last night.

A real snapshot of how utterly fucked large swathes of NY were in the 70s; block after block of vacant, burned out buildings. Also weird watching a doc where there's no narrative added on by the film makers (bar a couple of odd staged re-enactments). Nobody 'goes on a journey' and nobody is any less fucked at the end than at the beginning. Quite a lot of it is uncomfortable viewing; offhand references to rape are fairly common, a girl at the end gets punched in the face for talking to a boy other than her boyfriend (she says it was an 'accident'). There's a lot of swastikas and SS lightning bolts around too - worn mainly by black/puerto rican gang members.

The real version of the Warriors basically (which horrendously is up for a remake apparently - transferred to LA...)


There are a couple of other docs on the subject too; Flyin' Cut Sleeves which from the look of it, updates the 80 Blocks story (the clip I've seen shows a couple of the characters from 80 Blocks about 10 years later). Also which I can't find out much about but has got a brilliantly portentous voiceover.
Yeah, randomly he connected with the guy who wrote the original gang article for Esquire via Raquel Welch! She was doing a guest host spot on SNL and living with the writer at the time.
it's worth buying, tbh, comes with the original Esquire article all nicely bound in hardback. Yeh, rape didn't seem like a biggie back then, disturbingly enough.
I watched this last night (the whole thing is on YouTube if anyone is interested). It's a really interesting picture of the era - the title makes an obvious point about the relative wealth to be found in New York but it's quite eye-opening how different it is to the poorer areas of downtown Manhattan that are in a lot of films as well as to the rich areas.
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