Brixton Hatter
Home is south London mate
I agree that is a nuts thing to do. Especially when they are indicating to go left.It's worth remembering that there are things which cyclists (and other road users) can do which are not breaking the law, but can still contribute to them being involved in serious accidents.
One of them, which I unfortunately witness all too often, is attempting to undertake in the driver's blind spot an HGV which is signalling to turn left
But our 'infrastructure' (Advanced Stop Lines, and their feeder lanes) in many cases actually encourages cyclists up the left of a lorry. Personally, I won't do it myself unless I am absolutely sure that the lights won't change whilst I'm doing so. I imagine many cyclists are making the same judgement as me. It's safer to be in front of the traffic and get a quick getaway when the lights go green, instead of being squashed up against the kerb in the middle of a queue of traffic.
What you can't stop as a cyclist is someone overtaking you, then cutting in on the left, like in that incident I posted earlier on in the thread.