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4,000 dead in Baghdad in first 3 months of 2006


Non sibi sed omnibus
Over the course of a year that would roughly equate to 16,000 dead in Baghdad alone. This makes IBC's body count look as ridiculous as it really is. Shocking. :(

Targeted Killings Surge in Baghdad

Nearly 4,000 civilian deaths, many of them Sunni Arabs slain execution-style, were recorded in the first three months of the year.

More Iraqi civilians were killed in Baghdad during the first three months of this year than at any time since the toppling of Saddam Hussein's regime — at least 3,800, many of them found hogtied and shot execution-style.

Others were strangled, electrocuted, stabbed, garroted or hanged. Some died in bombings. Many bore signs of torture such as bruises, drill holes, burn marks, gouged eyes or severed limbs.
And to think the 'coalition of the willing' are only there because of the WMD lie.

All of these deaths - for what?

The bastards :mad:
"Freedom's untidy, and free people are free to make mistakes and commit crimes and do bad things," Rumsfeld said. "They're also free to live their lives and do wonderful things. And that's what's going to happen here."-----2003
They're also free to LEAVE their lives and do wonderful things. And that's what's going to happen here.
And that's not all. The article goes on to say,

But even the grim morgue statistics — 3,472 violent deaths in Baghdad from January through March — do not present the full picture of the violence in the capital.

That number does not include those killed in bombings or during gunfights between insurgents and security forces because they are generally are not brought in for autopsy at the central morgue. At least 351 civilians were killed in bombings across the capital during the first three months of the year, according to calculations based on daily reports by hospital and police officials.

Those reports, considered conservative, did not include slain Iraqi security forces, Iraqis killed by U.S. or Iraqi forces, and Iraqis killed outside the capital.

And then it states,

At the central morgue, workers duly noted the deaths. Muazzaz's eldest son and her husband of 22 years became two more entries, numbers 30948 and 30952, respectively, in the morgue's byzantine record-keeping system

If you have 5 minutes, pick some of these e-mail addresses and forward this link on, this really shouldn't go unnoticed.

Helen Boaden, Director of BBC news

Peter Horrocks, Head of BBC TV News

Richard Sambrook, Director of the World Service and Global News

Malcolm Balen, Senior Editorial Adviser (Middle East)

Craig Oliver, Editor, Ten O'Clock News, BBC1

Mark Popescu, Editor, BBC News 24

Peter Barron, Editor, Newsnight, BBC 2

Kevin Marsh, Editor, Today Programme, Radio 4

Peter Rippon, Editor, PM Programme, Radio4

Steve Herrmann, Editor, News Online

Fraser Steel, Head of the BBC Programme Complaints Unit

John Humphrys, Presenter, Today Programme, Radio 4

Andrew Marr, Political Editor

Sarah Montague, Presenter, Today Programme, Radio 4

James Naughtie, Presenter, Today Programme, Radio 4

James Reynolds, Correspondent

John Sweeney, Correspondent

Mike Wooldridge, World Affairs Correspondent

1,091 killed in Baghdad in April: Iraqi president
At least 1,091 people were killed in Baghdad alone last month in ongoing sectarian violence, President Jalal Talabani said in a statement.

"We received a report from the morgue about the deaths in Baghdad that 1,091 people were killed between April 1 and 30," Mr Talabani was quoted as saying in a statement issued by his office.
The Unified Theory of S.Norbury

We are basically divided into 2 almost intransigent groups;
On one side there's the people:mad: who will calculatingly kill others or support the killing of others, the other group completely abhores killing humans. People are prepared to kill because of a complete lack of respect for life caused by inability to deal with their sexuality. The only way to stop, the killing is to deal with these sexually problematic people. This can be achieved through deep therapeutical work, not protest. It's sad:( but there is hope:) .......for those of us left alive.
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