Refuse Permission
The following conditions for permission or reasons for refusal apply:
1 The applicant has failed to demonstrate that the development cannot viably deliver a 50% affordable housing provision in line with Local Plan policy requirements. The applicant's supporting viability information does not adequately justify the development's inability to
support the maximum reasonable amount of affordable housing in respect to a policy compliant tenure mix. As such, the proposal would not be in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (2019) Chapter 5; Policy H4 and H5 of the London Plan (2021); and Policy H2 of the Lambeth Local Plan (20150 and Draft Revised Lambeth Local Plan (Submission Version January 2020).
2 The proposed layout, height and massing relate poorly to the site itself and are alsoonsidered out of keeping with the site, its context and townscape and is symptomatic of over-development. The scheme does not successfully integrate the proposed uses on site or with the surrounding area, creates illegible pedestrian routes and residential communal entrances and forms an overbearing relationship to adjacent sites which in turn would causeharm to amenity. The scheme fails to achieve a high quality of architectural design in terms of its form, materials, and finished appearance and therefore does not make an overall positive contribution to the area. The proposal is therefore considered not to be of the highest quality and would be contrary to National Planning Policy Framework (2019) Chapters 12 and 16 and development plan policies, including Policies D3, D4, D6, D8, D9 of the London Plan (2021); Policies Q1, Q2, Q3, Q5, Q6, Q7, Q14, and Q26 of the Lambeth Local Plan (2015) and Policies Q1, Q2, Q3, Q5, Q6, Q7 and Q26 of the Draft Revised Lambeth Local Plan (Submission Version January 2020).
3 The proposed bulk, scale and massing of development would cause less than substantial harm to adjacent heritage assets which has not been justified and is not outweighed by the public benefits of the scheme. In particular, the 20 and 29-storey elements by reason of their size, architectural design and choice of materials creates dominant building forms that amplifies their incongruousness with designated heritage assets. The heritage issues that arise as a result of the unsuitable development design are symptomatic of overdevelopment. As such the proposals would be contrary to National Planning Policy Framework (2019) Chapters 12 and 16 and development plan policies, including Policies D9, HC1 and HC3 of the London Plan (2021); Policies Q5 (b), Q7 (ii), Q20 (ii), Q21(iv) Q22 (ii), Q25 and Q26 (iii) and (iv) of the Lambeth Local Plan (2015) and Draft Revised Lambeth Local Plan Policies Q5 (b), Q7 (ii), Q20 (ii), Q21(iv) Q22 (ii), Q25 and Q26 (iii) and (iv) (Submission Version January 2020).
4 Insufficient information has been submitted at present to demonstrate that appropriate sound insulation and noise mitigation measures would be incorporated to protect future residents from undue noise and disturbance. As such, the proposal would be contrary to Policy Q2 of the Lambeth Local Plan (2015) and Policy Q2 of the Draft Review Lambeth Local Plan (Submission Version January 2020).
5 The proposed layout and design of communal amenity and playspace is inadequate in terms of its quality, safety and usability which in turn would result in a poor-quality residential environment for future occupiers of the development. As such, the proposal would not be in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (2019) Chapters 2 and 12; Policies D4 and D6 of the London Plan (2021); THE Mayor's Play and Informal Recreation SPG; and Policies H5 and Q1 of the Lambeth Local Plan (2015 ) and Policies H5 and Q1 of the Draft Revised Lambeth Local Plan (Submission Version January 2020).
6 The proposed development, by reason of its height, scale and massing and proximity to neighbouring residential properties would have a detrimental impact on the residential amenity of neighbouring occupiers in Wanless Road (Nos. 9 and 11) and Hinton Road (Nos. 11, 13, 15 and 17) to the south and south-east in terms of loss of daylight; would appear overly dominant when viewed from the back gardens of residential properties particularly along Wanless Road and Hinton Road resulting in an increased sense of enclosure and loss of outlook; and would lead to a significant loss of daylight to the identified windows within Blocks B, C and D and overshadowing and loss of light to the central communal courtyard of the approved Higgs Industrial Estate scheme (ref. 18/05425/FUL) currently under construction to the north to the detriment of its future occupiers. As such, the proposal would be contrary to National Planning Policy Framework (2019) Chapter 12 and development plan policies, including Policy D9 (3) (a) of the London Plan (2021) and Policies Q2 and Q26 of the Lambeth Local Plan (2015) and Draft Revised Lambeth Local Plan (Submission Version January 2020).
7 The proposed cycle parking design would fail to provide satisfactory provision for the future occupiers of the development contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework (2019) Chapters 2, 8, 9 and 12; Policies D5 and T5 of the London Plan (2021); Chapter 8 of the London Cycle Design Guide (2014); and Policies Q1, Q13 and T1 of the Lambeth Local Plan (2015) and Draft Revised Lambeth Local Plan (Submission Version January 2020).
8 The proposal would fail to make appropriate arrangements for servicing, deliveries and refuse collection; would render 3 of the disabled bays unusable when loading/servicing occurs; and would be prejudicial to pedestrian and highway safety. As such, the proposal would be contrary to National Planning Policy Framework (2019) Chapter 12 and development plan policies, including Policy T7 of the London Plan (2021); Policies T6 and T8 of the Lambeth Local Plan (2015) and Policy T8 of the Draft Revised Lambeth Local Plan (Submission Version January 2020).
9 The proposed design of the covered pedestrian passageway between the two towers would create a hostile environment that would produce a fear of crime and lead to opportunities for crime and anti-social behaviour. As such, the proposal would be unacceptable on community safety grounds and contrary to National Planning Policy Framework (2019) Chapter 12 and development plan policies, including Policy Q3 of the Lambeth Local Plan (2015) and Policy T8 of the Draft Revised Lambeth Local Plan (Submission Version January 2020).
10 The proposal fails to demonstrate that the highest standards of fire safety would be achieved. As such, the proposal would be contrary to Policy D12 of the London Plan (2021).
11 In the absence of agreed heads of terms and a legal agreement to secure agreed policy compliant financial and non-financial contributions including securing affordable housing, employment, skills, training and enterprise and transport and sustainable design matters the development fails to mitigate its impact on local services, amenities, infrastructure and the environment contrary to the requirements of Chapter 4 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2019); Policy DF1 of the London Plan (2021) and Policy D4 of the Lambeth Local Plan (2015) and Draft Revised Lambeth Local Plan (Submission Version January 2020).