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“Perfect“ films

Perfect = Favourite?

Blade Runner is one of my favourite films. It it beautifully filmed, cast, scored and left questions open about a possible future of humanity. The Alien/Aliens films much the same for me.

There are timeless comedies like Airplane, Young Frankenstein, Groundhog Day, Blues Brothers (also a musical) that I will never tire of.

Jaws was far from 'perfect' but an amazing film.

One could argue (and I will :mad:) that Watership Down is a perfect film. In fact if I have to die on any hill it will be this hill.

I broadly agree with Reno apart from tarring Star Wars with block busters that followed it has some awesome Samouri Westerns influences.
Great films are flawed character based movies like Taxi Driver and Cheech and Chong Up in Smoke. I've loved both equally and at different stages in my life.
It's like comparing music it's a matter of taste primarily though good art can be appreciated if not loved
dunno bout any perfect film but steve goodman wrote the perfect country & western song...

once upon a time in the west might be a candidate for the perfect western

usual suspects takes its inner logic and twist to near perfection.

re spielberg - maybe the duel was his perfect movie?
Always going to come down to personal choice. But it would be hard to argue, in my opinion, that any of these aren't perfect for what they do. Not that they are all on my favourites list.

Brief Encounter
Joe versus the Volcano
Thema and Louise

Maybe, ones I think might be perfect but not quite sure:

Empire Strikes Back
Barry Lyndon
GroundHog Day
Legally Blond II (me too)
The Guard
Total Recall is flawed and cliched to fuck in some aspects, but I just remembered it and must add it to my list.
I’m basically seeing this challenge as ‘what films have you not only watched multiple times, but you would invariably leave on if you were channel surfing of a late Saturday night and came across it?’
Total Recall is flawed and cliched to fuck in some aspects, but I just remembered it and must add it to my list.
I’m basically seeing this challenge as ‘what films have you not only watched multiple times, but you would invariably leave on if you were channel surfing of a late Saturday night and came across it?’

Not sure you need to consider a film perfect to pass the multiple views / Saturday night channel surfing test.

Many that pass that test for me are a long way from perfect. (And also don’t make my top 10s.)

Connery Bonds
Heartbreak Ridge
Wayne’s World (s)
Bill and Ted
The Accountant

To list a few.
Has anyone ever seen the George Clooney film called The Descendants? It's the only film I've ever watched, cried my eyes out and then immediately watched it again whilst still blubbing.

I just think it's an amazing, poignant, sad/happy film.

Maybe it affected me like that because of where I was personally at the time (nothing bad, just can't remember), but by crikey I remember it as a hell of a film. To me.... Perfect.

I'd be genuinely I terested to hear opinions of it, especially Reno, who's authority on film here (for me) is the ultimate.
I love The Ladykillers.

The Lavender Hill Mob

It's A Wonderful Life

Gaslight (the one with Ingrid Bergman)

Indiana Jones (raiders of the lost ark) was a brilliant film...when I was a kid.... I believe there's a new Indiana Jones out next year? And John Williams has composed the music. Still going strong. 🙂

I reckon they should have called it a day after IJatKotCS - it has some good moments but mostly feels like a tribute act to the first 3...
Sabrina starring Audrey Hepburn is close to perfect. Lots of that era (Some Like it Hot also) are extremely well-crafted. Both directed by Billy Wilder as it happens. Some of the Hitchcock movies of the same period are equally well-made, particularly Rear Window, Vertigo and North by Northwest.

I also really like In the Mood for Love by Wong-Kar Wai. And Reservoir Dogs.
No country for Old men
Funny you mention No Country... Once or twice I’ve thought of starting a thread titled something like ‘great, critically acclaimed films you actually loved but will probably never watch a second time’.

I would put No Country for Old Men in such a list, as well as a number of others that I’d happily describe as excellent and critically acclaimed. So they’re perfect or at least near-perfect as far as a form of art is concerned, but the fact that I could live to 120 and never have the urge to watch them even for just the second time goes against them.

I might yet start such a thread one of these days.
Alien franchise (except the Predator and Prometheus ones)
Attack the Block
Bourne franchise
Fast & Furious franchise
Halloween franchise
La Haine
Legally Blonde franchise
Shaun of the Dead
Thelma & Louise
When Harry Met Sally
One of the problems with culture is that it dates. Styles seem old hat, technology is surpassed, the casual micro-bigotry of yesteryear sits poorly... you can’t look for perfection on those grounds, let alone that it is not the job of art to create “perfect”.

That said, it’s hard to find much wrong with Vertigo or Rear Window. Some Like It Hot and The Philadelphia Story are phenomenal comedies. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is lightening in a bottle. Cabaret is everything it sets out to be - and that’s a lot.

For some reason I’ve got no films in my list past the 70s. Hmm.
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