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“Apocalypse Fatigue” Around Climate Change


Well-Known Member
There's also a ted talk but this is shorter..

26 mins 30 seconds to 29 mins 50 seconds

Another interview...

More than 80 percent of all news and mainstream media play up the issue of doomsday or catastrophe. From psychological research, we know that if you overdo the threat of catastrophe, you make people feel fear or guilt or a combination. But these two emotions are passive. They make people disconnect and avoid the topic rather than engage with it.

There are three main frames that seem to create more engagement and work much better than catastrophe framings or other negative framings.

One framing involves speaking about climate change as a health issue concerning people we care about—our families, our children. We don’t want respiratory disease, so we all want clean air.
The second is a safety or insurance framing. It’s about being prepared or ready in case something goes in the wrong direction—a risk management approach, that speaks to business/financial people. They work actively and professionally with risk and understand the need to insure.
Finally, we should speak about opportunities for smarter cities, smarter buildings, better food sources, smarter energy systems and transportation systems, and all the opportunities that empowerment from these technologies gives us for better lives.

If we are able to reframe the climate issue this way in our society’s discourse, there is less fear and guilt attached to it—more a sense of “collective efficacy” or the idea that we can do something together as a society. Now, this deep reframing of the issue takes time—it’s different than simply having a slogan or a new news headline. But reframing impacts how people feel about and perceive the issue.
There's also a ted talk but this is shorter..

26 mins 30 seconds to 29 mins 50 seconds

Another interview...

But what do you think?
My fatigue is that they talk about 'people' like it's up to us to make a difference to avert the climate apocalypse.

The only people who need to do anything are the 25,000-50,000 billionaires and politico elites who run this planet. They can legislate and organise to achieve whatever they want, and always could have. The rest of us, less so.

And anything less than stripping those over-privileged people of everything they have right now just isn't likely to work.
I turned on French radio yesterday because of the scary presidential election and they were interviewing a member of Le Pen's fash party about their climate change denial and he denied that was their policy and said he acknowledged that humans had an effect on the climate - but then said "but so also do the earth's natural processes" - presumably as in "yebbut VOLCANOS !!!" a bit like saying drivers drive dangerously around vulnerable road users and quite often on the phone ... "but cyclists go through red lights" ...
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