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Youtube Defeats Adblockers

If you open a private window you can listen to youtube once you've rejected all the cookies :)

Only works for the first video (presumably Google start building a profile on you from then on) but it's a neat little trick.

I was watching a playlist (Ashens) a couple of nights ago in bed and the fuckers actually fired a TEN MINUTE advert at me. Some smug techie twat showing me in painstaking detail (IIRC, I was half asleep) how easy it is to register a domain name in the style of those "How to use Windows 95" videos :mad:
Interesting twist here...

Privacy campaigner Alexander Hanff claims that YouTube’s new ad blocker detection is illegal under European law, and he's taking the fight to the European Commission.

On November 6, German Pirate Party MEP Patrick Breyer addressed Hanff’s claim to the European Commission, formally requesting a legal position as to whether “protection of information stored on the device (Article 5(3) ePR) also cover information as to whether the user's device hides or blocks certain page elements, or whether ad-blocking software is used on the device” and—critically—if this kind of detection is “absolutely necessary to provide a service such as YouTube.”

Chrome and an extension adblock for you

Yeah, can't say I'm surprised that adblocking plugins aren't working properly on a web browser developed by Google, who own YouTube and make most of their money from advertising. Never understood why so many users flocked to Chrome.
Yeah, can't say I'm surprised that adblocking plugins aren't working properly on a web browser developed by Google, who own YouTube and make most of their money from advertising. Never understood why so many users flocked to Chrome.

I know I should switch browsers. just laziness by me
I've now reached the point where they've warned me that I only have two or three videos left before the popup thing becomes unclosable. I've tried deleting all my youtube cookies to see if that resets it, but I've not watched anything else since doing that cos I don't want to waste what might be one of my last video views if it doesn't fix it.
Only works for the first video (presumably Google start building a profile on you from then on) but it's a neat little trick.

I was watching a playlist (Ashens) a couple of nights ago in bed and the fuckers actually fired a TEN MINUTE advert at me. Some smug techie twat showing me in painstaking detail (IIRC, I was half asleep) how easy it is to register a domain name in the style of those "How to use Windows 95" videos :mad:

I watch YT on the tablet doing the washing up so its great when a 4 minute+ video pops up half way through and I have to get the gloves off to skip it

(PC still kicking YT's arse)
I watch YT on the tablet doing the washing up so its great when a 4 minute+ video pops up half way through and I have to get the gloves off to skip it

(PC still kicking YT's arse)

Hmmm. In your situation I would be investigating how to get the PC to stream to the tablet's display. Don't know if it can be done (don't own a tablet), but it might be worth looking into.
Annoyingly the pop-up reappeared (Firefox). But it seems to be fine with Edge - the adverts appear but the browser seems to stop them.
Hmmm. In your situation I would be investigating how to get the PC to stream to the tablet's display. Don't know if it can be done (don't own a tablet), but it might be worth looking into.

I use Firefox on the tablet and it worked with ublock

It’s a choice I meant to make ages ago but fucking lazy so didn’t
I use Ghostery, I think they may have developed a workaround as I too am not getting the warnings any more.
Interestingly the warnings started to appear again and ghostery threw up a box suggesting opening the videos in a private window. So far that's worked perfectly - makes sense I suppose as private browsing limits cookies, etc.

Wonder how long this game of cat and mouse will go on for.
I use brave browser mainly, about 2 days ago the adblock message started again. Switched to firefox (where my newspaper/magazine paywall busting plugins are anyway) and it worked fine. Tried Brave again last night and the adblock message has gone away. The struggle continues.
I can ignore ads quite easily though Id prefer they werent there. So I cant be bothered with all the multiple browsers and chopping and changing add blockers either. I just turned all the blockers off and tried to just use youtube like I used to, well now it just hassles me about add blockers every time, then demands I turn off non running add blockers and shows a notice about "allow adds" that I dutifully do. Then it shows a 2 second bit of an add before the vid i want to watch.

Theyve successfully devalued their site to the point where its hardly useable
I can ignore ads quite easily though Id prefer they werent there. So I cant be bothered with all the multiple browsers and chopping and changing add blockers either. I just turned all the blockers off and tried to just use youtube like I used to, well now it just hassles me about add blockers every time, then demands I turn off non running add blockers and shows a notice about "allow adds" that I dutifully do. Then it shows a 2 second bit of an add before the vid i want to watch.

Theyve successfully devalued their site to the point where its hardly useable

I've been using nothing but Firefox* for over a decade now, and the only adblocker I've ever needed is the uBlock Origin extension. I've had to update the block lists/refresh the plugin precisely once since YouTube started cracking down on adblockers, and that was months ago. It's been working flawlessly as usual ever since. Honestly don't understand why any Windows desktop user would have anything else. Boggles my mind that people trust Chrome which is made by Google. There's no need for multiple browsers nor for chopping and changing adblockers at all. Chrome is shit, Edge is shit, and most other adblockers either do shady crap like crypto mining (Brave) or have sweetheart deals to let adverts from certain companies through (AdBlock Plus).

*(On desktop. Had to suffer on mobile until I upgraded my device late last year, now I can run Firefox with uBlock Origin on it and everything is awesome)
Oh, and be wary when looking to install the uBlock Origin adblocking extension. There's another extension with a similar name, but they're pretenders offering an inferior experience.
I've been using nothing but Firefox* for over a decade now, and the only adblocker I've ever needed is the uBlock Origin extension. I've had to update the block lists/refresh the plugin precisely once since YouTube started cracking down on adblockers, and that was months ago. It's been working flawlessly as usual ever since. Honestly don't understand why any Windows desktop user would have anything else. Boggles my mind that people trust Chrome which is made by Google. There's no need for multiple browsers nor for chopping and changing adblockers at all. Chrome is shit, Edge is shit, and most other adblockers either do shady crap like crypto mining (Brave) or have sweetheart deals to let adverts from certain companies through (AdBlock Plus).

*(On desktop. Had to suffer on mobile until I upgraded my device late last year, now I can run Firefox with uBlock Origin on it and everything is awesome)

I have no problems using Chrome with the uBlock Origin extension.

*Apart from when youtube first introduced the adblocker ban, twice I needed to disable uBlock Origin to get YT to play, then I re-enabled it straight away, but no issues since.
I have no problems using Chrome with the uBlock Origin extension.

*Apart from when youtube first introduced the adblocker ban, twice I needed to disable uBlock Origin to get YT to play, then I re-enabled it straight away, but no issues since.

I wonder how long that will remain the case, though. Google have a direct financial interest in fucking with the functionality of adblocking extensions.
I have adblock, youtube still works for me but in the evenings videos load at a snails pace. I refuse to pay for Premium.
I wonder how long that will remain the case, though. Google have a direct financial interest in fucking with the functionality of adblocking extensions.
Isn't that exactly what they were supposed to be doing soon? Basically making chrome unusable in general without the ads. I need to move to Firefox but I have so many things setup on chrome I imagine it's going to be a pain.
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