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Youtube Defeats Adblockers

What adverts? (Adblock Plus and Privacy Badger in various Chrome-alikes & DuckDuckGo; pulling larger videos from the command line also sidesteps the ads).
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Still touch wood not being blocked yet but turning the sound down and going off to do something else has worked for me with ads in the past :thumbs:
I was ok with having to wait for the YT countdown clock and telling-off banner. Better than watching an actual advert I thought... Then the cheeky bastards said I've got 3 chances left. Then it proper blocked me.

Most adverts you can skip after 5 seconds, the only unskippable ones i see are around 15 seconds. Is your device not showing you the skip button properly or something?
I'll let you know if I get problems :)

Not totally sure how it works but doesn't it just divert ads away from your computer, so would Youtube not know that you're using it as an adblocker?
This is just bullshit. The cost of Youtube Premium is ridiculous at twenty quid a month. That's more than double most streaming services.
£14 a month and it includes YouTube Music. So if you use that instead of Spotify or whatever (which I do) it is about £3-4 pounds a month.
I don’t think it’s massively overpriced. How much is it to buy a film or go to the cinema? The problem is some want everything for free, and you can have that, but then grumble about the inconvenience it brings them like a 15 second advert.
I don’t think it’s massively overpriced. How much is it to buy a film or go to the cinema? The problem is some want everything for free, and you can have that, but then grumble about the inconvenience it brings them like a 15 second advert.
Perspective helps. Paying almost £15 a month to get rid of adverts sounds expense. Paying an extra couple of quid on top of what you already pay for a music streaming service (which is what it was when I signed up) plus the other benefits is not a bad deal.

And most people these days do subscribe to a music streaming service.

I personally find it better value than Netflix but it will not suite everyone.
About two or three weeks ago I had a bit of a :hmm: moment when some ads started getting through my uBlock Origin on Firefox. Thankfully I was able to fix it by updating the plug-in and refreshing the block lists. It's been working flawlessly ever since.

It's a sign of desperation from YouTube/Google. A globally popular video hosting platform was always going to be a gigantic money sink, but the fact that they are trying to nickel and dime advertising dollars from the very people who loathe the concept just goes to show that they are completely out of any good ideas.

Paying for travel is a tedious waste of time but people need paying somehow eh?

If YouTube wants people to pay to use their platform, then they're completely at liberty to fence off their videos behind a paywall like what Netflix and other streaming services do. But YouTube do not get to shove advertisements on my hardware and software if I can at all help it. We live in a world that's already saturated with advertisements, and it's all mind-numbing, manipulative, annoying, condescending shit that should be obliterated completely off the face of the Earth. Fuck adverts and fuck the ghoulish predatory pricks who work in that industry, they would advertise your ground-up relatives to you as the latest superfood if they could get away with it. They're scum and shouldn't be given an inch.

If you want to support a content creator, then donate to their Patreon or buy their merch. YouTube is constantly finding all kinds of utterly bullshit excuses to deny advertiser money to creators, so it's not like there's any guarantee that they would see that money if you watch the ads. But if you support them directly, you can cut out YouTube and the marketing vultures completely.
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In tangentially related news, YouTube is now going to prevent content creators from having any control over the ads on their videos. So if they want to slap ads in the middle of your video that’s up to them rather than you. From here:

I've had Premium since lockdown, I kept it because it can be used by up to 5 email addresses - and as you can imagine that opens the doors to a lot of people using it. I share it with 5 family members in different households. £20/5 isn't a lot. If you can find people to share the cost with, it works out nicely.

Plus all the music and I can use it to store my own recordings too. The thousands of workouts alone have paid for the subscription - I don't go to a gym and use YouTube instead.
Gave up on YT because of too many / too long ads + loud muzak and not being able to skip the shite asap a long time ago.

Looks like I'm not going back there.
They seem to be trying harder today. There's a pause at the start of a vid, where they're obviously trying to insert an ad. The wheel spins and my vid plays after a couple of seconds.

I'll just fuck YT off if they manage to break it. I'm not gonna start watching ads.
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