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Your WFH 'sins' confessed!

What are you doing at least some days, you naughty people?

  • Lots of looking at urbs/social media

    Votes: 47 78.3%
  • Laundry/household chores

    Votes: 48 80.0%
  • A second job

    Votes: 7 11.7%
  • Napping

    Votes: 29 48.3%
  • Boozing/getting stoned

    Votes: 14 23.3%
  • Dropping the odd email off outside working hours to look like you've been working the whole time

    Votes: 30 50.0%
  • Extended breaks

    Votes: 43 71.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 24 40.0%

  • Total voters


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So what slightly naughty things do you do during your WFH day?

I do get my work done, I should add, but definitely spend a bit too much time on urbs/social media unless I'm super busy; do laundry; if I've had a dreadful night or am really tired I'll sometimes take a midday nap that lasts longer than an hour if that's what I need, as it's that or get nothing done all afternoon
Listening to podcasts / albums as I wouldn’t be able to do that at the office.

Hanging laundry out but again that takes only a few minutes. Probably as long as a fag break would

Urban / WhatsApp etc but then again I don’t chat to colleagues if I’m at home… although sometimes I call them via teams and it’s 15 mins chat and then 5 mins discussing a work matter

Very occasionally have a beer if doing overtime in the evenings. Nothing else as I need to work with a clear head
All of the above? :hmm:

I'm much more productive at home than I am in the office though. So I get more done in less time, then get to slope off and do stuff I'd otherwise be doing in my own time. Chores, shopping etc. So it's win win IMO.

I do have a semi-regular "catch up" meeting with a colleague that usually takes place late afternoon at one of our houses and involves cans. It often runs past 5, so we should really be claiming overtime :D
It's especially good for me in that while I WFH, Mrs Q doesn't so I pretty much get the house to myself every day during the week.
I often find myself starting to nod if what I am doing is not very interesting so straight to the bedroom next doors for a quick kip
I go the gym and start later three times a week (though I do work later (sometimes) to make it up.
listening to music
skipping off early if I am bored.
Before I start, I hang the washing, empty the dishwasher, top up the food for the wildlife, check the traps for mice.
Nip out to the shops for quick errands.
It's great there is no way I'm going back to the office ever apart from the very odd visit.
I think doing laundry and other chores a total win, I'm quite efficient at breaking them into small chunks whilst I'm doing something else like brewing coffee or making lunch.

To much urban and social media really. I've deleted the Facebook app. I do get a fair bit of time I'm not that busy and should use more efficiently to get better at my job and upskill.
I do a lot of laundry on my WFH days as well as try to schedule deliveries for when I'm in.

Sometimes that means I barely go half an hour between the door going or the washing machine finishing.

I get up super early on Fridays, go for a run with friends and a coffee after, get home and then go back to bed until 7:55 when I need to turn my laptop on :D on office days I'm regularly there before 7:30.
My main issue was my belief that quick answering of phone, email and whatnot would indicate to those in the office that I was in fact Working From Home. The temptation of bed was always there though, a quick snooze who would know?

However free from the multitude distractions of the office it is possible to concentrate on tasks and get tasks that require concentration done more effectively at home that would have been possible in the office.
One terrible habit I've developed is vaping huge amounts. I mean I vape in the office, but I'm at least aware that I'm doing it, even my colleague doesn't mind. But at home I can do it constantly.
I do a lot of laundry on my WFH days as well as try to schedule deliveries for when I'm in.

Sometimes that means I barely go half an hour between the door going or the washing machine finishing.

I get up super early on Fridays, go for a run with friends and a coffee after, get home and then go back to bed until 7:55 when I need to turn my laptop on :D on office days I'm regularly there before 7:30.

Jesus. What time do you get up? And how much caffeine does that take?
One terrible habit I've developed is vaping huge amounts. I mean I vape in the office, but I'm at least aware that I'm doing it, even my colleague doesn't mind. But at home I can do it constantly.
Yep, same here. Quick puff every 10 mins. It's a nightmare when I go into the office. I have to use nicotine lozenges.
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