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xinjiang, prc lab for repression

came in halfway on a Deutsche Welle piece tonight in which the interviewee compared xinjiang to the DDR for state penetration of the population.
A friend of mine worked in China for a while as an English teacher for children. He told me that in the school he worked at he saw them beat the children if they made mistakes or 'misbehaved'. It was considered normal. Authoritarianism innit.
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What's the difference between what China does and what our government does? Genuine q. Is it about their intentions once they have the data?
I wonder if part of why they are proceeding with such mind boggling policies as this is that they know very well that anyone trying to boycott Chinese goods , as India is attempting in a limited way to do right now, will be fucked and not able to function without their exports.
compulsory sterilisation. fucking hell.

I would be wary about the veracity of the bits attributed to Adrian Zenz:

Adrian Zenz is a German anthropologist known for his studies on Xinjiang re-education camps. He is a lecturer in social research methodology at the European School of Culture and Theology [de][2] and a senior fellow in China studies at the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation.[3] In his book "Worthy to Escape: Why All Believers Will Not Be Raptured Before the Tribulation", he predicts the fall of capitalism (identified as "Babylon") and consequent rise to power of the Antichrist. Zenz links other aspects of modern society, such as decriminalizing homosexuality and non-violent parenting, to "power behind the Antichrist".[4][5]
Zenz is a born-again Christian. He stated he feels he's "led by God" in his mission.[1]

Far be it from me to suggest that a religious fundie working for an organ of US state propaganda might lie or misrepresent the facts. I don't doubt that shady shit is going down in Xinjiang, but personally I would seek corroboration from better sources.
I would be wary about the veracity of the bits attributed to Adrian Zenz:

Far be it from me to suggest that a religious fundie working for an organ of US state propaganda might lie or misrepresent the facts. I don't doubt that shady shit is going down in Xinjiang, but personally I would seek corroboration from better sources.

God is telling him. You can't get a much more reliable source than God.
I would be wary about the veracity of the bits attributed to Adrian Zenz:

Far be it from me to suggest that a religious fundie working for an organ of US state propaganda might lie or misrepresent the facts. I don't doubt that shady shit is going down in Xinjiang, but personally I would seek corroboration from better sources.

It has been reported by Uighur refugees for some time now:

Given what we already know is happening, I don't doubt it is at least partially true.
It has been reported by Uighur refugees for some time now:

Given what we already know is happening, I don't doubt it is at least partially true.

Like I said, it's the bits coming from an employee of a propaganda agency that I'm wary of. I've read reports from Uighur refugees, in outlets that have no special axe to grind with China. Those are fine. But I think we should not carelessly amplify the voices of historical revisionists.
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I would be wary about the veracity of the bits attributed to Adrian Zenz:

Far be it from me to suggest that a religious fundie working for an organ of US state propaganda might lie or misrepresent the facts. I don't doubt that shady shit is going down in Xinjiang, but personally I would seek corroboration from better sources.

And that’s not even touching on the Falun Gong/epoch times/NTD conspiracy race war stuff
If you look at the notice given to the woman in the story detailing her fine it describes it as a 社会抚养费, i.e. the cost to society of rearing your over-quota child, which has been the bureaucratic euphemism for years so I think it'll be more as the article itself suggests later, not a new policy on paper just a shift from the previous dispensation where non-Han people weren't punished so rigorously. Now it's relaxed for Han families and tightened for minorities and can be presented as a fair application of the law to all equally. Of course, as with the forced abortions in Han areas in the past, it won't ever be explicitly the policy, just the consequence of the punitive way it's being implemented.
if anyone fancies it, the BBC prog about Xi covers the issues a bit. a year old but still ( probably more than ever) relevant

The latest lockdown measures include:

  • Mass screening in buildings where new cases have been detected, later expanding to the whole of Urumqi
  • Visits to other households are restricted, as are large gatherings
  • Residents urged not to leave the city unless absolutely necessary and must be tested if they do

Again, i'm not buying that Coronavirus is anything other than the tiniest excuse for further repression
But those are standard measures here when there's a case. It's been the same in Beijing in the last month, and before that Jilin, and before that Harbin.
What would be a good list of resources for this?

also, what do you mean by ‘lab’ for repression PM? That the technologies (of various sorts) of repression are being tested in Xinjiang before they are used elsewhere
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