There's not exactly a shortage of halal meat and fish shops in Brixton already though is there? If they'd done their research properly they'd have discovered they weren't needed.
Hold on, aren't you the soft minded goon that specifically requested a 'normal' butcher on the first page of this thread? And the bloke who, for all the talk of market research and shops in the area, failed to notice the multiple selection of butchers already here selling pork.
I put it to you that you're talking unmitigated shite and trying to retrospectively excuse away your weirdo prejudices.
we've already emailed the council about this - but they havent got back yet.It's one of the few architecturally notable buildings on CHL and they've made it look shit.
Who do I complain to?
Me, I wouldn't want to knowingly eat meat that has been sacrified and/or made acceptable to another god.
UK abattoirs use the same slaughter methods as halal (and kosher) anyway - it's the most humane. The only difference is that halal abattoirs bless the meat en masse.does halal meat taste any different to 'normal' meat?
I wouldnt know cos I dont eat meat.
Do they realise Lobo means 'Wolf' in Spanish and Portuguese?
The council might take a while to get around to it, but once they do, it sounds like an open and shut case.
Me, I wouldn't want to knowingly eat meat that has been sacrified and/or made acceptable to another god.
It's dumb, isn't it. Most Muslims will eat kosher if halal isn't available, and many Jews will eat halal if kosher isn't available (although kosher has some additional rules, related to handling, I think). But Christians, oh no. Our God is different, doncha know?
No, you're right. I'm thinking of the rabid types who spread propaganda about halal ("they leave them to bleed to death for hours!" ).I don't think Ajdown represents 'christians' as a group to be honest.
ClassyThey've got another fuck-off ugly sign announcing a Beauty saloon on the first floor. Above the fishmongers. Mmmmm.
Saloon sounds fun tho, less formal than a salon
Also -
I would have thought that this constitute a change of use? ie. from public house to shop. That should have been subject to planning permission in its own right.