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Worst book ever written

missfran: Yes, that is truly awful writing... but I really, really want to read the whole book now! :D (link...PM?)

Bad writing can be entertaining, if you're in the right mood... :cool:
I'm afraid that willing as I am to publically laugh at her terrible writing, I won't go so far as to send her entire manuscript to a stranger. Sorry Maya, I'm just not that cruel (to her or you).
I'm afraid that willing as I am to publically laugh at her terrible writing, I won't go so far as to send her entire manuscript to a stranger. Sorry Maya, I'm just not that cruel (to her or you).
I understand- But I wouldn't exploit it or use it, just love it :D :(
(Yes, I do love pulp/hack writing)

(Let me know if you change your mind, though! :cool: I'd treasure it, always. :))
The best fantasy, of course, is Robin Hobb's.

By a country mile IMHO...

The first three are brilliant. The second three less so. The third three are quite good.

The Solider Son trilogy is awful, though.

I really liked the Liveship trilogy, the giveaway right at the end that ***** is actually ******* was brilliant. (starred so as not to spoil it for anyone that hasn't read it yet)

I didn't get into the Solider Son trilogy at first, but about a third of the way into book 2 I was hooked.

Robin Hobb ftw :cool:
Starship Titanic.

They ran to the door.
The door needed a key.
They looked for a key.
They found a key.
They ran to the door.
They opened the door with a key.
They were now standing in a hall and could go down one of two corridors.
Which corridor?
They went down the left corridor.
Chris, it is a terrible book - possibly only taken seriously because of the academic standing of its author. It is too early (relatively speaking) to regard it as having any status as a classic book, and it is one of a select few books that I have thrown across a room in disgust.

balls, it's the first serious attempt to write fantastic fiction outside of a christian context. The writing is intricate and yes, laboured and overdone frequently. Tolkiens imitators are legion, and that is a baaad thing cause the imitators imitate a seriously flawed work. Feudalism-lite is so very twee.
Oh yes. The author was a big fan.

Page 404, the final passage.


Is that, perchance, a reference to Prince Rupert of the Rhine, superb cavalry commander and possibly the luckiest royalist fop of English Civil war period?
He had a toy poodle y'know, his reputation was such that the parliament forces thought it had special powers...


Not that Lord of The Flies is much to wite home about 'is this how British children behave'

bollocks off
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