J Ed
Follow Back Pro Expropriation
He sure is. I managed to get one in, sort of by linking to my blog:
but when I re-entered the fray with this (below) I got blocked. kept a copy so you can read it, Fail to see what the problem is.
"This morning the EDL page has over 114,000 ‘likes’, meaning that over 114,000 people are now part of the EDL network and receive EDL messages in their fb feed. I’d say that this is important in a political sense.”
That is worrying and shows why we need to respond to the the attrocity by (a) standing up to the BNP/EDL and (b) the Hate preachers of Islamism at the same time.
Another left wing blog had problems with local salafists last weekend:
These people are dangerous and a threat to us all regardles of how “left-wing” people consider themselves. The Salafists in Tunisia have already been attacking Trade Unions and at one point burnt down 3 TU offices which was reported on Labourstart.
It needs to be remembered that these people are also a threat to Muslims, not just because they aim to create strife in the wider community (by provoking the boneheads of the far-right) but want to impose their will on other Muslims the vast majority of whom just want to get on with their lives.
Everyone needs to remember by the way that there is no one Muslim Community. My immediate neighbours are from Kosovo and are totally westernised whilst many of my work colleagues differ in country of origin, dress and culture.
Tackling the hate preachers will have to take a multi-faceted approach.
Yep, people seem to forget that an open part of the extremists strategy is to provoke racist violent reprisals on ordinary Muslims, many (probably most) of whom they regard as being insufficiently Muslim.