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Wingly - UK travel by small plane


Just seen this site
Wingly, the flight sharing platform

It lets you book a seat in a small 2 or 4 seater plane directly with the pilot. Flying from those smaller airport/airfields.

The prices are comparable to train tickets. But I guess you'd only want to use it if you lived near a small airfield, as traveling to them would be a pain in the arse.

London to Bournemouth for £57 return.

What do you think?

(Apologise if there was already a thread on this, but when searching for "wingly" the search function gives results "wing" too. And on U75 the word "wing" is in every 5th post.)
Oooh I like the idea of this. I could go Bournemouth to Elstree when I go to see my mum and sister. I wonder if they allow dogs on board?
Not sure about the green credentials of doing this routinely, but I'd fancy it as a one-off experience. Never been in a small plane.

That does sound very surprisingly cheap.
A (short) helicopter trip for just £31. Only 15 min. but would make a good gift experience for someone who's never been on a chopper and would like you. £31 seems pretty cheap for that kind of gig...
£150 for a three hour sightseeing trip from Burton-upon-Trent to Caernarfon and back - mooch through Snowdonia and over Snowdon on the way up, and go back along the coast.

How could you possibly better that? It's the fucking shiz...
It's cost sharing and pushing legality right to, and perhaps beyond the limit. The CAA says you can't fly other people for money unless you have either a commercial or an air transport licence and the plane is maintained to a certain level ( actually it's much much more boringly complicated than that). You are allowed to claim back a person's share of the costs of a flight. So if there are two of you then the most you can ask for is 50%, three 33%. But it's designed to let you take mates flying. Wingly is pushing it, a lot.

I wouldn't go near this with a barge pole. You might get an off duty airline pilot with a million hours in his private Ciruss, happy days. Or you might get a 20 year old hours builder with 100 hours in a knackered Cessna 150 with no instruments working properly.

Or even a rusty low hours overweight 50 something Urb in a very tired AA5.

It will probably get banned. If it doesn't only fly in light aircraft with people who have the right license or you know enough to assess their competence and attitude to risk. Never fly with someone braver than you.
It's cost sharing and pushing legality right to, and perhaps beyond the limit. The CAA says you can't fly other people for money unless you have either a commercial or an air transport licence and the plane is maintained to a certain level ( actually it's much much more boringly complicated than that). You are allowed to claim back a person's share of the costs of a flight. So if there are two of you then the most you can ask for is 50%, three 33%. But it's designed to let you take mates flying. Wingly is pushing it, a lot.

I wouldn't go near this with a barge pole. You might get an off duty airline pilot with a million hours in his private Ciruss, happy days. Or you might get a 20 year old hours builder with 100 hours in a knackered Cessna 150 with no instruments working properly.

Or even a rusty low hours overweight 50 something Urb in a very tired AA5.

It will probably get banned. If it doesn't only fly in light aircraft with people who have the right license or you know enough to assess their competence and attitude to risk. Never fly with someone braver than you.
So, get in there quick?

If does tell you how many hours the piglet have had. And how many in that aircraft.

Means nothing to me though....
No flights from Manchester which is a bit bizarre given the size and non from Northampton which has a small airfield.
Don't do it. But if you do have a look at Barton (near Manchester). Northampton is a fairly big general aviation (GA) airfield.
There's a Dam buster themed over the Peak. If my Dad wasnt so creaky I'd certainly look into that as a present. He loves every thing to do with Aviation!
I wouldn't go near this with a barge pole. You might get an off duty airline pilot with a million hours in his private Ciruss, happy days. Or you might get a 20 year old hours builder with 100 hours in a knackered Cessna 150 with no instruments working properly.

It wouldn't even be possible under many other regulatory regimes. You definitely couldn't do it in Australia where you need an AOC if you're carrying paying passengers.

I've rolled the dice many, many times in my long and star crossed aviation career and even I wouldn't do it.

i think we've had quite enough of experts thank you very much. spoilsports...
Fucking experts banging on about VNe, stalling and under carriages. Once we are free from the stifling control of the pilot at the front we can forge new relationships with other airports.

Decent folk had quite enough of metropolitan aviators thinking they have a right to control our aeroplane just because they went to flying school. There was this bloke on the internet who says that if you push the stick at the front forward the plane will actually go up, not down like all the liberal elite pilots say. And he's a dentist, so he's an educated man.
It's cost sharing and pushing legality right to, and perhaps beyond the limit. The CAA says you can't fly other people for money unless you have either a commercial or an air transport licence and the plane is maintained to a certain level ( actually it's much much more boringly complicated than that). You are allowed to claim back a person's share of the costs of a flight. So if there are two of you then the most you can ask for is 50%, three 33%. But it's designed to let you take mates flying. Wingly is pushing it, a lot.

I wouldn't go near this with a barge pole. You might get an off duty airline pilot with a million hours in his private Ciruss, happy days. Or you might get a 20 year old hours builder with 100 hours in a knackered Cessna 150 with no instruments working properly.

Or even a rusty low hours overweight 50 something Urb in a very tired AA5.

It will probably get banned. If it doesn't only fly in light aircraft with people who have the right license or you know enough to assess their competence and attitude to risk. Never fly with someone braver than you.
It's clearly pretty dangerous and will probably be banned soon. That's why I'm going to do as much as possible quickly. I'm eyeing up a trip over the white cliffs of Dover, and a return from Elstree to IWM Duxford at the moment.

Top find joustmaster :thumbs:
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