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William Joyce is alive and living in Harvard

please explain how you conclude that from the article itself(couldn't load the comments). I'm probably being a bit dim and missing something, but I didn't see it.:confused:

tbf To President Trump, he has behaved not too unreasonably at the UN,. However there if you to look to which bit of history we look doomed to repeat in terms of a seriously hot war - it would be WW1 run up only between US and Germany rather than GB-Germany (mind you if you look at Wuhan - (something President Trump told Chinese President for life Xi Jinping he didn't have a problem with) there are some echos from WW"2 also - (it would be a rewrite to say holocaust was cause/ factor then, but where did President's for life come from?). Anyway, be it Chris Steele, be it Robert Mueller be it whoever Calder Walton is the one sat in Harvard whilst an authoritarian President who in under 4 years has gone from nearly being in a position to rewrite the constitution to just playing fast and loose with it seeks re-election. And he's saying Britain botched...

The modern world IS complicated, the Independant can without irony run stories criticising the British Government for not doing enough to counter Russian influence for example, but UK is far more on tip of things than US. 'Botched' go fuck yourself
So the UK should have pursued the Cold War more aggressively. More mad red under the beds shit
The history World War II shows that Britain and the United States were in a Cold War with Soviet Russia before they knew it
Yeah because western powers hadn't been attacking the USSR from 1917
William Joyce was executed on 3rd January 1946 at Wandsworth Prison and buried in an unmarked grave. If it was all faked and he is alive and living in Harvard he'd be, at 114, the oldest man in the world.

Other than that, I have only the vaguest idea what this thread is about, as the link in the OP takes me to a comment section of an article which didn't load.

gosub - can I ask you a favour? When you start threads, please could you type a few words saying what it's about instead of just throwing down a random link a giving it a cryptic title? There might be an interesting discussion about... whatever it is the thread's about.
William Joyce was executed on 3rd January 1946 at Wandsworth Prison and buried in an unmarked grave. If it was all faked and he is alive and living in Harvard he'd be, at 114, the oldest man in the world.

Other than that, I have only the vaguest idea what this thread is about, as the link in the OP takes me to a comment section of an article which didn't load.

gosub - can I ask you a favour? When you start threads, please could you type a few words saying what it's about instead of just throwing down a random link a giving it a cryptic title? There might be an interesting discussion about... whatever it is the thread's about.
It's not a favour, it's one of the core rules of the site -don't post a link without an explanation.
I am very sorry to have to report that Graham Macklin in his just published - and v good - book, (Failed Fuhrers) that William Joyce was self-monikored Lord Haw-Haw. Cast a pall over the rest of the book i can tell you.
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