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Why are Leave voters expected to compromise?

Leave means leave. Except I don’t want to leave like that. Wha is wrong with you people you actually want no deal. Moronic.
Is this tiresome thread still going?:rolleyes:

Honestly, seen some right old shite which is Brexit related but this "compromise" kack ffs.

I don't agree with Nik.....
Just a little request please refrain from descending into childish schoolyard behaviour and post the compromises you see remainers should make if the shoe was on the other foot.

Hi nik you have been answered very well, I know it is not the answer you wanted but it is still awaiting your rebuttal. I notice you have still not posted your compromises? Are you a little torn?
People e pectin a divorce form 27 other countries and 40 year arrangement to be quick simple and not painful.

Are rather stupid.
People e pectin a divorce form 27 other countries and 40 year arrangement to be quick simple and not painful.

Are rather stupid.

“The free trade agreement that we will have to do with the European Union should be one of the easiest in human history."

Liam Fox, International Trade Secretary, 2017

Another one of the myriad of wildy optimisitc unsupported claims or bare faced lies that the electorate were showered with before, during and even after the referendum by the Brexit camp.
May i digress?

Just heard that the BBC is going to provide scenes from the muppet show on live.gov.tv without warning just to see if anyone notices the change of programme!
Sorry meant to ask. Where is NIK has someone been nice to him/her?

I will get back to him/her just as soon as I learn what hostile means.
He may simply have taken his own advice and read the first post and realised he did not understand it and is now in an endless loop rereading not understanding rereading.

In concern for my fellow man when he enters his own dark tunnel I hope he doesn't choke on the next words he wanted to say.
Nik wins. He's outfoxed us all. :cool:

Not seen since a minute after this was posted.

Which shows strength of character:

Found it someone being nice (first quote).

Nik is showing the strength of character of someone who thinks thay have slayed the wicked witch of the east and is now dancing down the yellow brick road. The well known tactic of run away when you think you are winning.
I asked someone at my local NHS pharmacy if they were taking any precautions to ensure the continuing flow of medicines in the case of a no deal Brexit. They said they knew of no special arrangements. Perhaps I was asking someone too low down the chain, I certainly hope there are some contingency plans being acted on.
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