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Who will die first in Death Race 2021/22: the Queen, Biden or Kim-Jong-Un?

Who will win the Gold Cup in the "Meet you Maker Stakes"?

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EXPLODED TIM! (Help me!!!)
Biden never looks terribly hale and there are plenty of well-armed MAGA volk who'd be happy to put him out of his misery; Brenda's extremities are going purple and she's stopped doing stuff; Kim seems to go AWOL on a regular basis and there are continual rumours about his health and there are probably lots of those in his regime who would feel more at ease where he to expire.
I'm not convinced yet that the queen is on her last legs, or any of the others either. I'll believe it when I see it, so to speak. But I voted for liz coz she is the oldest and seems to be the most frail.
Yes, the odds of death increase quite a lot at that age. But then she's got the best medical care money can buy so I wouldn't be surprised if she keeps going for another few years.
Aren't they all just figureheads for convincing us to keep working whilst they transfer the wealth of working class labour and the planets resources into the hands of an elitist and intractable class system? Effectively violent totems of our own downfall.
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Biden has a more or less hospital level trauma unit in his house,

Queenie will continue to fustrate Charlie for a few more years, with hospital care pre arranged

kim has the less amount of medical care avalable but is the youngest

bit of a crap shoot
Aren't they all just figureheads for convincing us to keep working whilst they transfer the wealth of working class labour and the planets resources into the hands of an elitist and intractable class system? Effectively violent totems of our own downfall.

I’m not sure what influence that has on who dies first.
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