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Who to vote for?

In mine there is an incumbent tory with quite a majority, labour might shift him but it isn't certain, my options seem to be hold my nose and vote labour to get him out or vote LD or Green or something which might mean tory stays.

I am undecided and may not decide until the day.
I don't know what to suggest beyond look carefully at your alternative candidates and choose the one most likely to displace the big two. I know that the probability to displace either of them completely is remote, but maybe, with a bit of luck and a tail wind enough of a message might be sent.

My area is solidly Tory. I'll vote SNP, but I'm not sure about them any more either.
This is the initial “Left List” of left candidates (left independents and small left parties) put out by the new Left Party, Transform. The list is likely to grow! (New one expected this week and weekly going forward)
There are debates within Transform about including left wing Green and TUSC candidates on the list as well as their own and left independents. Criteria for being on the list include being a candidate who is generally in line with Transform’s core principles/values and not standing against the now tiny number of Campaign group or left Green candidates who stand a reasonable chance of being elected.
Transform members on the initial list are those planning on standing in Bishop Auckland, Liverpool Garston, and Newton Aycliffe and Spennymoor.
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