In all truth I have not had time to listen to all of it.
Broad strokes, I think the U.S is most likely doomed to fail, maybe in our lifetimes 20 years give or take.
Too many divisions, opposing groups of people, idologies, beliefs.
A growing number of easily fooled/led people, who are armed and can get behind the loudest voice, usually not a voice of peace, reason and compassion.
(Just look at what happening with the UK, it is reasonable to attack 100,000 people if need be, people just trying on with their lives.)
America will be destroyed from within, all the while the people will be told of an outside threat. Think something along the lines of further banking melt downs, 'police state' enforcement but on much higher level, country wide curfues, tanks/army in every town, political arrests, purges of one or two groups of the local population, social media being monitored, your smart phone becomes your only form of ID.
Crisis after crisis and lastly a point will be reached when you have nowhere to run, only stand and fight for freedom or become a number on a list or worsr case dead because you belong to certain group who are tagged as polical enemies/undesirables.