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WhatsApp lowers age limit to 13 in UK


This can't be a good thing for kids but big corporations have got to keep the shareholders happy, eh?

Campaigners have reacted with anger to the social media company Meta lowering the minimum age for WhatsApp users from 16 to 13 in the UK and EU.

The change was announced in February and came into force on Wednesday. The campaign group Smartphone Free Childhood said the move “flies in the face of the growing national demand for big tech to do more to protect our children”.
WhatApp is telephone, text messaging and facetime over internet signals instead of mobile signals.

I don't see these as inherently dangerous.

I don't use Communities. Is there something sinister happening there?
While I do think we have a potential problem around unfettered access to the Internet by young people, I really don't think that WhatsApp is anywhere near the core of the problem, nor do I feel that prohibition is the answer. Apart from the fact that it never really works, it only at best kicks the can down the road. We should be teaching digital safety to kids NOW, not waiting until they're adults and having to teach it to THEIR kids in the light of the lessons they had to learn through bitter experience.

Also, "Smartphone free kids" - no agenda there, then :rolleyes:. I expect that, if we'd had the Internet, Mumsnet, etc., when I was a child, there'd have been "Calculator Free Kids" groups popping up all over the place. Maybe it was "Slide rule free Kids" a generation further back...
While I do think we have a potential problem around unfettered access to the Internet by young people, I really don't think that WhatsApp is anywhere near the core of the problem, nor do I feel that prohibition is the answer. Apart from the fact that it never really works, it only at best kicks the can down the road. We should be teaching digital safety to kids NOW, not waiting until they're adults and having to teach it to THEIR kids in the light of the lessons they had to learn through bitter experience.

Also, "Smartphone free kids" - no agenda there, then :rolleyes:. I expect that, if we'd had the Internet, Mumsnet, etc., when I was a child, there'd have been "Calculator Free Kids" groups popping up all over the place. Maybe it was "Slide rule free Kids" a generation further back...

You'll be pleased to know they do teach kids digital safety. Molly has been learning it since she was about 5 I think (11 now).

And it works, she was horrified to hear about phone books. "What do you mean, all your personal information, in a book that anyone can see????" :D
Have to say, I didn't even realize you had to be 16 or older until now to use it. Every kid I know under that age seems to use whatsapp
Yeah this. I certainly don't remember ever being asked about my age when I signed up.

Don't see the problem personally. Yes, there is a general issue with everyone, not just kids, overusing our phones (I'm part of that problem). But that's not a WhatsApp-specific issue.
You'll be pleased to know they do teach kids digital safety. Molly has been learning it since she was about 5 I think (11 now).

And it works, she was horrified to hear about phone books. "What do you mean, all your personal information, in a book that anyone can see????" :D
Still get asked if you want your number in the directory when you swap phone companies.

Funny how life has gone from:
Oh yes I want people to be able to find me if they don't know my number.
Are you mad, people could find my number and use it.
I know my brother got the whacky covid conspira sermon fwd'd to him via whatsapp. And I had to explain that someone using scripture to declare their own powers of prophecy in the opening preamble should be a fucking warning that this cunt is on the make.
This cunt Revealed: 'former Vodafone executive' in 5G conspiracy video is UK pastor

Thats not on wattsapp itself but fuck this guy. Had forgotten about this poison till now.
MiniFire has been using WA since she started walking to school on her own so we gave her an old phone for emergencies. Naturally there has been some mission creep so she does use WA to chat to her friends but it was a hard No to Snapchat and TikTok. She is a good kid so was a bit disappointed but dealt with it.
As I understand the issue is children get added/invited to groups by strangers, often very large groups and there they get exposed to pornography, groomed etc... The settings need to be adjusted so that their profile can only be seen by their contacts. I can't remember what the default is from the installation, I hope to fuck it's not 'Everyone'! Especially now. :hmm:

If it was up to me to make the law, it'd be dumb phones ONLY for under 16s! No smart phones until then.
Have to say, I didn't even realize you had to be 16 or older until now to use it. Every kid I know under that age seems to use whatsapp

Yeah the age limit is bullshit all the kids are on it.

Parents are for the most part worse than useless at ensuring their kids are using smartphones and the internet in general safely.
While I do think we have a potential problem around unfettered access to the Internet by young people, I really don't think that WhatsApp is anywhere near the core of the problem, nor do I feel that prohibition is the answer. Apart from the fact that it never really works, it only at best kicks the can down the road. We should be teaching digital safety to kids NOW, not waiting until they're adults and having to teach it to THEIR kids in the light of the lessons they had to learn through bitter experience.

Also, "Smartphone free kids" - no agenda there, then :rolleyes:. I expect that, if we'd had the Internet, Mumsnet, etc., when I was a child, there'd have been "Calculator Free Kids" groups popping up all over the place. Maybe it was "Slide rule free Kids" a generation further back...

Don't think anyone's slide rule ever convinced them to kill themselves or join ISIS.
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Yeah the age limit is bullshit all the kids are on it.

Parents are for the most part worse than useless at ensuring their kids are using smartphones and the internet in general safely.
If only the parents refused to buy their kids smartphones until they were older. Like, imagine, if all of them refused to do it! But no, everyone caves in to peer pressure, what other parents are doing... The few brave parents who refuse to do it are hated by their kids and viewed as freaks. It's fucked up. They're only trying to protect their kids.

Just like they can't drive before a certain age. Smartphones should be the same.
As I understand the issue is children get added/invited to groups by strangers, often very large groups and there they get exposed to pornography, groomed etc... The settings need to be adjusted so that their profile can only be seen by their contacts. I can't remember what the default is from the installation, I hope to fuck it's not 'Everyone'! Especially now. :hmm:

If it was up to me to make the law, it'd be dumb phones ONLY for under 16s! No smart phones until then.
I didn't realise the age was 16 or 13 for whatsapp to be honest and my eldest has had it from 10 or 11. But heavily monitored and not allowed to join big groups.
I have become increasingly anti-smartphone for kids though and my current 10 year old (and younger one) will not be getting phones for many years.
I didn't realise the age was 16 or 13 for whatsapp to be honest and my eldest has had it from 10 or 11. But heavily monitored and not allowed to join big groups.
I have become increasingly anti-smartphone for kids though and my current 10 year old (and younger one) will not be getting phones for many years.
I think most of the parents/carers/educators who have actually experienced kids/teenagers + smartphones are against it. Dumbphones are enough to keep them in touch/safe, without the associated dangers. They're also super cheap and have good battery life. The small screens don't get as easily smashed and if they get lost it's no big deal. I think it's a huge responsibility to give a smartphone to a child under 16. They forget it, they lose it, it gets stolen. Being connected all the time can be terrible for mental health, online bullying... Need I go on???
There is obviously a market for safe phones.
Amazed no one is tapping it.

All you'd need is for any software to be installed requiring approval via a parental phone.
I think most of the parents/carers/educators who have actually experienced kids/teenagers + smartphones are against it. Dumbphones are enough to keep them in touch/safe, without the associated dangers. They're also super cheap and have good battery life. The small screens don't get as easily smashed and if they get lost it's no big deal. I think it's a huge responsibility to give a smartphone to a child under 16. They forget it, they lose it, it gets stolen. Being connected all the time can be terrible for mental health, online bullying... Need I go on???
A huge amount of kids' homework is now set online (Sparks/Seneca/Kay Science). Any policy of banning of smartphones for under 16s needs to provide a solution to this.
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