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Help! Google sheets formula to find lower and higher values (fairly simple i think)

At some point you'll need to explain this to others. And I'm a bit of a refusenik on ctrl+enter all the time.

Absolutely. At some point you'll want someone else to do this for you. Minimising the length of that knowledge transfer (to as many perhaps-less-capable people as possible) is a key success criteria.

No way! You're inviting a fundamental quality issue to ensure your data is always sorted (and removing the whole 'order-neutral' focus of all your analysis).
Can't you just use the sort function built in or does it only work on rows?
Can't you just use the sort function built in or does it only work on rows?
Not sure it was an issue - I think that the sortedness of the numbers across the top row was an inherent property of the whole thing. I think they're probably pretty much constants (so much as anything is ever a constant in a spreadsheet :D)
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