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What's your favourite Irvine Welsh novel?

What's your favourite Irvine Welsh novel?

  • Trainspotting

    Votes: 15 39.5%
  • Marabou Stork Nightmares

    Votes: 6 15.8%
  • Filth

    Votes: 7 18.4%
  • Glue

    Votes: 3 7.9%
  • Porno

    Votes: 3 7.9%
  • Crime

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Skagboys

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • A Decent Ride

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Blade Artist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dead Men's Trousers

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 2.6%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I recently read Irvine Welsh's The Long Knives and thought it was pretty terrible. This prompted me to go back through the older books, in order to remember quite how brilliant they were.

What's your favourite? Mine is Glue by far, quite unlike his other novels, closely followed by Porno.
Never read any of them, indeed prior to this thread I had never heard of him. I have seen the film Trainspotting but had no idea who wrote it.
What’s the book of short stories? I read that a few years ago at Christmas and really loved it.
'If you Liked School, You'll Love Work'?

Jon Of Arc (rip) on here sent me that. Said the protagonist of the story 'Kingdom of Fife' was me. Very good. Or it could be 'E is for Ecstasy' which is also shorts?
'If you Liked School, You'll Love Work'?

Jon Of Arc (rip) on here sent me that. Said the protagonist of the story 'Kingdom of Fife' was me. Very good. Or it could be 'E is for Ecstasy' which is also shorts?
It was just called Ecstasy. That's the one with Jimmy Savile in it. And we all knew it was Jimmy Savile when we read it.
This is interesting. Am I the only person who thinks Glue is his best novel?
No you're not. I found it really affecting. Kinda caught me by surprise given his usual stuff.

I thought Porno was the funniest with Sick Boy turned up to the max. Plus Juice Terry haha. Trainspotting of course is awesome also
No you're not. I found it really affecting. Kinda caught me by surprise given his usual stuff.

I thought Porno was the funniest with Sick Boy turned up to the max. Plus Juice Terry haha. Trainspotting of course is awesome also
Exactly. It felt like he pushed himself as a novelist in way that completely went into reverse with the recent books.
Exactly. It felt like he pushed himself as a novelist in way that completely went into reverse with the recent books.
He may well be writing more for the screen nowadays cause they're more plot-driven and with a true crime bent.

Perhaps he's just used up all the madcap characters from his past given his Miami/Amsterdam living
I thought Trainspotting was brilliant, much better than the film. Not much else I've read by him sticks in the mind, apart from a couple of short stories that are memorable, but not in the same league.
The Long Knives is available for 99p on Kindle at the moment.
I've bought it and will read it, but nothing tops his earlier stuff IMO.
I finished Bedroom Secrets of the Master Chefs which was the last one I hadn't read.

Did anyone else find the rape scene disturbing in its own right and much more so because of how incidental it was to the plot? I found this much more unsettling than if it had been a meaningful plot device.
Skagboys is really fantastic. My close fav to Trainspotting. I really liked Dead Man's Trousers too but its not quite so moving.
he only did one novel really. if he had stopped then he would as famous as that radge that fucked aboot in the long grass
he only did one novel really. if he had stopped then he would as famous as that radge that fucked aboot in the long grass
Glue feels like an attempt to do something else, to push his work further. It still contains his trademark gross bits and humour but he leans into the social history aspect. How communities are made and unmade. Thoughtful rather than flashy.
Glue feels like an attempt to do something else, to push his work further. It still contains his trademark gross bits and humour but he leans into the social history aspect. How communities are made and unmade. Thoughtful rather than flashy.
Are you havin a go
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