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What's going on inside your head?

Do you have an internal voice?

  • Yes, constantly.

    Votes: 18 47.4%
  • Yes, most of the time.

    Votes: 7 18.4%
  • Yes, sometimes.

    Votes: 10 26.3%
  • No, never.

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • Summat else.

    Votes: 1 2.6%

  • Total voters
I have whole conversations in my head :hmm: Then often I'm not sure if I've actually had the conversation out loud in real life with someone or not :oops:
And sometimes during a conversation with a real person my internal conversation is a couple of sentences ahead so then I say something out loud and am not sure if I've just said the same sentence twice or if once was in my head. So often say something and then follow it up with "did I just say that already?" :confused:
And sometimes during a conversation with a real person my internal conversation is a couple of sentences ahead so then I say something out loud and am not sure if I've just said the same sentence twice or if once was in my head. So often say something and then follow it up with "did I just say that already?" :confused:

Sometimes I'll say "did I say that out loud?" after a particularly loud thought, and if the answer is no and I go "phew!", suddenly everyone want to know what it was. :mad:
Oh, when I'm trying to get to sleep some new voices come along and they're fucking mental. Have considered writing down some of what they say but it's largely disjointed drivel.

"Put the kettle on!"
"...I'm round the corner with the elves"
"Hundred of thousands of millions of little geckos named Trevor were arrested in Winchester today.."

Just total bollocks.
Mine tend to have a basis in reality but jump from one related thing to another.

UrbanCountryman posted a photo of a deer herd on Facebook
One was white
I wonder if it's the same herd I see from my window
Vince says they shoot them where he lives (real life convo)
They've been eating my plants
I better put up that camera to see them
Can't do that until I've done X
Start thinking about X
Does anything work to quiet your mind?
Lol booze and weed.
Although not so much quiet, more enjoy the party.
Being in nature is good too but then I just get excited wanting share what I’ve seen/heard and think how I’ll express that.
It’s a constant commentary.

I need to spend more time on the smiling mind app. That’s good.

Eta....making electronic music/weird noises does. I suppose as I’m concentrating a lot.
i have scenes and visualisations - of things i need doing, what i done and what could be.
never a voice.
This is weird. I was mentioning that I don't have an internal dialogue with a friend at work, who at first just flat out didn't believe me. He then said that I must visualise my thoughts which I'm pretty sure I don't do either. It's a completely different and abstract thing for me, almost nothing. Like remembering something without words or pictures. I really can't explain it. It's just like things happen, but I know I decided to do them.

Never really thought about it before, I just assumed thats how it worked for everyone, I can't imagine it happening any other way. An internal monologue sounds like a real pain.
Only occasionally for me.
Serves a purpose to nag me I suppose.

Don't know haven't recalled it for a while.
A rather vague question but I wonder if there is any correlation between having a voice and being prone to anxiety?
I have a voice, as mentioned, and am anxious as fuck.
Lol booze and weed.
Although not so much quiet, more enjoy the party.
Being in nature is good too but then I just get excited wanting share what I’ve seen/heard and think how I’ll express that.
It’s a constant commentary.

I need to spend more time on the smiling mind app. That’s good.

Eta....making electronic music/weird noises does. I suppose as I’m concentrating a lot.
Heh you sound similar to me. You know what works but you struggle to use the tools consistently. Smiling mind is great.

I love marching along with tunes too but I'm most at peace when observing nature. I know I'm in a good place when I start noticing beautiful, cool things others might rush by and miss. I snapped this the other day.


It's ok having a busy mind if the thoughts are good/happy/interesting eh? But if they're worrying over shit that's not happened or stuff you can't change from the past then it's time to change the record init. :D
A rather vague question but I wonder if there is any correlation between having a voice and being prone to anxiety?
I have a voice, as mentioned, and am anxious as fuck.
I haven't always been anxious, but have suffered from it quite badly since i hit my late 40s. The voice in my head, however, has been consistent throughout - so in my case, definitely not. Whether there is a statistical link though needs a study and i don't know of one.
This is weird. I was mentioning that I don't have an internal dialogue with a friend at work, who at first just flat out didn't believe me. He then said that I must visualise my thoughts which I'm pretty sure I don't do either. It's a completely different and abstract thing for me, almost nothing. Like remembering something without words or pictures. I really can't explain it. It's just like things happen, but I know I decided to do them.

Never really thought about it before, I just assumed thats how it worked for everyone, I can't imagine it happening any other way. An internal monologue sounds like a real pain.

like remembering a dream/ or a feeling.
Voice, constantly, generally my own but others are acceptable :D. When I was doing French at school I'd often 'hear' a sentence in French and have to translate it into English :D then I'd translate it into German for the lols. When I was doing my thesis last year I had multiple voices going on, which was a bit stressy. Very strong visual memory as well, dreams are splendid fun. Used to have a lot of dreams where I could change the plot if I didn't like it, still have a few of those now.
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