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What's going on inside your head?

Do you have an internal voice?

  • Yes, constantly.

    Votes: 18 47.4%
  • Yes, most of the time.

    Votes: 7 18.4%
  • Yes, sometimes.

    Votes: 10 26.3%
  • No, never.

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • Summat else.

    Votes: 1 2.6%

  • Total voters


Not carbon nano tubes
Just seen this posted on facebook. Not everyone has an internal voice/monologue/ dialogue. I talked to my wife about it and she doesn't. Just silence. She doesn't hear words when she reads or anything. Some interesting comments as well about how different people think. I'm going to look for any research into this tomorrow. Anyone here know where to start?
for me images/words tend to mutate into feelings/beliefs before i get the chance to intervene.

i do bitterly recall the years spent helping my kids to use their words, followed by the decades where i wish they'd just forget their words and shut the fuck up. the specific "constant external monologue" years between 18mo and about 3 were particularly trying i seem to recall...
I don't have an inner monologue. You know the words at the beginning of Star Wars? It's kind of like that, but on a white background.
The voice (mine, I should add) inside my head is omnipresent. It "verbalises" everything I read, say and think.

However, I realised a long time ago that my internal voice "speaks" at more or less the same speed that I actually speak in real life. My thoughts (intuition / reasoning / realisation) happen much faster than my internal voice - my thoughts actually slow down to wait for my internal voice to catch up.

For a time I worked on deliberately putting my internal voice on "mute" for short periods and therefore my thinking process speeded up (a lot!) but I found this was extremely taxing. Useful when necessary but it felt like self-abuse.
I "hear" an internal voice when I'm writing things, and often when I'm reading.

But I don't have an internal dialogue when I'm not in communication mode. My thoughts are like the hubbub in a crowded room, with no specific voice to listen to until I find a thread I want to follow.
Yeah, constant. I find it hard to appreciate stuff as I’m busy internally talking about/analysing/thinking how to explain it to others.
I am occasionally meditating and it does help to quiet the mind but I need more practice as it’s only fleeting.
Drives me nuts.
It's definitely present when I read. Sometimes it's my voice but sometimes I enjoy changing the accent.
It's there when im consciously mulling over a problem or planning something too. I can't say it's there all the time though. It does shut up.
I'm a very visual person and find it easy to hold images in my minds eye. I see images when people are describing things to me...unless its mathematical or related to numbers. I have no images or assistance then and so get lost.
The internal noise only slows when I'm drunk or on a sun holiday. First time I ever went somewhere hot for a week I literally felt my head slowing to a crawl. It was revelatory.

My internal voice is my voice. But it doesn't "speak" my thoughts as they're happening with courses of action or suggestions of what to say. It's often just chuntering away in the background, with phrases stuck in a loop, and there's ALWAYS an earworm - today it's Babs O'Reilly really fucking loud, and the phrase "He's a good finisher, for sure" over and over.

More it's a never slowing succession of connections, like visual "flashes" of images coming very fast, and times of stress or in a rush I can vocalise a lot of these connections to try and slow it down.

I'm good at concentrating for short periods and can "background" this noise when talking to people sufficiently that they would never know, but sometimes in a lull in a conversation I can jump a number of steps ahead without realising the other participant(s) have.

It's exhausting, often.
Yes. Constant. Occasionally to the point where I get fed up listening to my shit.
This for me too. There is a constant speaking voice in my head and I have to tell myself to shut the fuck up quite often. Sometimes this happens out loud which must seem rather odd to anyone who might overhear.

The voice is extremely negative and critical of everything. It has a habit of rehashing conversations that might have happened 20 years ago. Upsetting things. It can be a real problem!
Can't articulate it but there's a mix of doubt, self-loathing spiced with the occasional confidence and clear-headedness. I do chant things over a lot in my head, to try and remember more than 3 things at once. Getting more difficult these days. To think I could once remember up to 20 phone numbers (pre mobile days)!
I'm a very visual person and find it easy to hold images in my minds eye. I see images when people are describing things to me..
I'm borderline aphantasic (little or no visual imagination/memory) so this makes little sense to me. I'm also almost totally face blind and recognise people more easily by voice than by face. The thing that hurts me most about this is that I have very little appreciation for visual arts.
Just seen this posted on facebook. Not everyone has an internal voice/monologue/ dialogue. I talked to my wife about it and she doesn't. Just silence. She doesn't hear words when she reads or anything. Some interesting comments as well about how different people think. I'm going to look for any research into this tomorrow. Anyone here know where to start?

Pretty sure I don't have one. How does it manifest? Do you have a running commentary? do you talk through decisions?
Not sure about reading. I think sometimes I do hear the words, but only if I am really focusing on that.
I think that would drive me nuts.
Jebus, just reading this thread and it seems everyone has this 'voice in your head' business. That is totally mental. I've just tried doing it but I can't keep it up unless I am 100% concentrating on it. Seems rather taxing.
I'm borderline aphantasic (little or no visual imagination/memory) so this makes little sense to me. I'm also almost totally face blind and recognise people more easily by voice than by face. The thing that hurts me most about this is that I have very little appreciation for visual arts.
That's quite different to me. There was a post on here a few months ago that I've thought about a lot. It was on a Star Trek thread. They mentioned an episode and I had clear images of things happening. The main cast doing things as well as a couple of vivid scenes that had stuck with me featuring two guest stars. I then realised it wasn't an episode. It was a novel. I had to google to check I wasn't wrong despite remembering the authors name and the cover.
I'm borderline aphantasic (little or no visual imagination/memory) so this makes little sense to me. I'm also almost totally face blind and recognise people more easily by voice than by face. The thing that hurts me most about this is that I have very little appreciation for visual arts.
It's fascinating how different we all are. We must all experience life in such unique ways. I remember stoned talking to this guy who felt nothing from any kind of music. It was unnerving to me but he got mentally turned on by mechanical engineering...So I guess we all have our thing.
Yes, I definitely have an internal voice. It's how I articulate my thoughts in my head. I couldn't imagine not having the voice to help me formulate my thoughts.

The only time it's a problem is when I can't sleep because the thoughts keep on coming "talking" to me and keeping me awake. I have to force myself to visualise a tranquil space with no words.
The only time it's a problem is when I can't sleep because the thoughts keep on coming "talking" to me and keeping me awake. I have to force myself to visualise a tranquil space with no words.

Oh, when I'm trying to get to sleep some new voices come along and they're fucking mental. Have considered writing down some of what they say but it's largely disjointed drivel.

"Put the kettle on!"
"...I'm round the corner with the elves"
"Hundred of thousands of millions of little geckos named Trevor were arrested in Winchester today.."

Just total bollocks.
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