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What the hell happened to Louise Distras?


Ban Spoonguard
I mentioned her in the Oasis thread because she posted some bullshit video ranting about 'Oasis in the age of woke' and how they were Proper Rock Stars - I'm not linking to it, it's on her channel if you want to see it - and did a bit of googling, and found out that she did a song with Steve Ignorant from Crass:

Steve asked her to take it down and she wasn't happy:

I also found a thread on here where someone mentioned her being in the Left Field with Billy Bragg and some others at Glastonbury. And now she's gone down the far right grifter route and is playing at Tommy Robinson's rally and hanging out with Glinner and whining about how cancelled she is because something something trans people. Also, she's trying to make 'TERF is the new punk' a thing because hating trans people is punk now. And the comments on her Oasis video are full of antivaxxers, people with Union flags in their headers and people who think Tony Blair is woke, just to give you an idea of the audience she's courting now.

(I did not make this)

ETA: that picture of her is from a trans-bashing article in the Daily Mail:

Supporting her new BFF:

What the fuck happened?
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As posted on the other thread - gone full on far right

“She is a supporter of far-right activist Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (aka Tommy Robinson) and announced that she was "proud to sing for our country with Tommy Robinson" on social media in July 2024.[28]
Oh yeah, I know about that, it's on her Youtube. The thumbnail has Israel flags in it, just to give you an idea of what kind of audience she has.

She also posed in a police cell while holding Glinner's shitty book - she fangirls him loads as well.
I saw her a few years ago now at Glastonwick - a festival that is a lot more left wing than the Left Field. She was a full on leftie.

It was a bit of a shock to see she'd gone full loon. I think it was the anti-trans stuff first - that alienated her from the left, and she's gravitated to the far right since.
I wonder how much of it is because she gets attention and validation from them. They give her headpats and tell her how wonderful and anti-establishment she is. Not like all those woke punks who aren't obsessed with trans people.

The caping for Oasis and ~proper rock stars~ is just pathetic. Noel isn't going to notice you, Louise.
I'd never heard of her tbh. I guess what you can see here is the start of the attention/approval (and eventually income but I don't think that's immediate) cycle that propels people down that sort of shitty rabbit hole. Suddenly she has all these supporters on side telling her how great she is and she likes it.
I know I shouldn't be giving her attention, I just didn't want to get told off for hijacking the Oasis thread. Tbh her song with Steve Ignorant is alright but she can't sing.

I think it was her trying to make TERF punks a thing as well.

Yeah, even the people watching her at the TR rally were forced to admit that they didn't actually like her and were only watching her because she was on their side. I don't think it was trans people to blame for Distras not making it. Or wokeness. I mean, it is true that working-class musicians are struggling more than ever to get a foot in the door, but that's capitalism to blame, not 'woke'.
I mentioned her in the Oasis thread because she posted some bullshit video ranting about 'Oasis in the age of woke' and how they were Proper Rock Stars - I'm not linking to it, it's on her channel if you want to see it - and did a bit of googling, and found out that she did a song with Steve Ignorant from Crass:

Steve asked her to take it down and she wasn't happy:

I also found a thread on here where someone mentioned her being in the Left Field with Billy Bragg and some others at Glastonbury. And now she's gone down the far right grifter route and is playing at Tommy Robinson's rally and hanging out with Glinner and whining about how cancelled she is because something something trans people. Also, she's trying to make 'TERF is the new punk' a thing because hating trans people is punk now. And the comments on her Oasis video are full of antivaxxers, people with Union flags in their headers and people who think Tony Blair is woke, just to give you an idea of the audience she's courting now.

(I did not make this)

ETA: that picture of her is from a trans-bashing article in the Daily Mail:

Supporting her new BFF:

What the fuck happened?

Yeah I thought the same. One of my oldest best mates is from Doncaster and we were quite into Louise Distras back in 2014. Tbh I forgot all about her then she was mentioned on urban and I looked her up and was thoroughly disappointed.
I'm pretty sure I watched her at Rebellion one year. I remember fuck all about it. That was of course back when she thought it was a great festival for women and something others should emulate rather than the rape fest she thinks it is now.
Here's her Oasis rimming video

View attachment Oasis.mp4

Of course it's adjacent to a plug for her product
Why worship the old gods when you can back the new rebels? My album 'Beauty After Bruises' is out now on iTunes, CD & vinyl. It's less 'Wonderwall' and more 'Wonder-What-The-F*ck-Just-Hit-Me'. Grab it

In fairness she truly is one 'voice of a generation'. A generation of resentful "I'm-not-middle-class" middle class cunts.
Here's her Oasis rimming video

View attachment 441460

Of course it's adjacent to a plug for her product

In fairness she truly is one 'voice of a generation'. A generation of resentful "I'm-not-middle-class" middle class cunts.
That quote is ridiculous. The musical equivalent of buying yourself a world's best dad mug.
I'm pretty sure I watched her at Rebellion one year. I remember fuck all about it. That was of course back when she thought it was a great festival for women and something others should emulate rather than the rape fest she thinks it is now.
Yes I saw her there.
"Blah blah woke woke blah blah Tommy Robinson blah blah the 70s were great for women also I have a single out, please buy it." Why worship the old gods? Isn't that what she's doing?

Rebellion is a rape fest?
"Blah blah woke woke blah blah Tommy Robinson blah blah the 70s were great for women also I have a single out, please buy it." Why worship the old gods? Isn't that what she's doing?

Rebellion is a rape fest?
Yes, I googled her and rebellion to check she was there the year I thought I saw her and it came up with an interview where she says it is great for women then a more recent tweet that she was glad that she was banned from it as it is a rape fest.
Yes, I googled her and rebellion to check she was there the year I thought I saw her and it came up with an interview where she says it is great for women then a more recent tweet that she was glad that she was banned from it as it is a rape fest.
Why on earth does she think it's a rape fest? Because it's pro-trans inclusion, that means it's pro-rape?
Why on earth does she think it's a rape fest? Because it's pro-trans inclusion, that means it's pro-rape?
There are feminist, trans positive bands that won't play Rebellion because of transphobic and "nationalist" bands.

The Menstrual Cramps have refused to play due to the presence of bands like Hung Like Hanratty, GBH, Resistance 77 and Anti Nowhere League
She’s another one that went over the edge in the lockdown, no?

That could be it tbf. I wonder if there's a way back?

This Labour government is going to push more people this way, too. Basically whoever thinks that (or chooses to pretend that) Starmer's shit is some kind of "leftism" instead of just the same old neoliberal centrism, but with more technocracy and less demagoguery. It will become the new mainstream to kick against, for eg Distras and anyone who makes a big thing of being 'anti-establishment'; well now The Establishment is all Woke and Starmer Calls Us All Far-Right...

(Don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows)
There are feminist, trans positive bands that won't play Rebellion because of transphobic and "nationalist" bands.

The Menstrual Cramps have refused to play due to the presence of bands like Hung Like Hanratty, GBH, Resistance 77 and Anti Nowhere League
I don't know Resistance 77 that well, but are they a far right band? I vaguely remember the Menstrual Cramps getting into an argument with their fans over not wanting to play alongside them.
I don't know Resistance 77 that well, but are they a far right band? I vaguely remember the Menstrual Cramps getting into an argument with their fans over not wanting to play alongside them.
They do a punk rendition of "Keep St George in my heart, keep me english".
Maybe I'm being unfair to them. People I know assure me they are OK.
I didn’t know of her until Lotte started asking what had happened to her. 🤣 It seems her music is from an era when I had long gone past the purely punk scene, so she’d passed me by.

But I think the answers given above about her going down the rabbit hole during lockdown are worth pursuing. It happened a lot, and I don’t know how we help those people. I don’t think reasoning will work. I suspect they’re just lost, but I hope I’m wrong.
I'm no big fan of Rebellion but the organizers def wouldn't put any far right bands on; that's why there is sometimes an unofficial far right gig on same weekend. would they put on "apolitical", "grey area" bands sometimes? I think that is more open to debate. It is also so big, and the nature of the old punk crowd is such, that there is going to be some reactionary views in the crowd for sure, and it can def be quite "blokey". But e.g. when there was an attempt by an actual far right mob to get in this year (it was the week of those far right riots) they locked the doors and the (small) mob was seen off.... so I heard anyway.
I didn’t know of her until Lotte started asking what had happened to her. 🤣 It seems her music is from an era when I had long gone past the purely punk scene, so she’d passed me by.

But I think the answers given above about her going down the rabbit hole during lockdown are worth pursuing. It happened a lot, and I don’t know how we help those people. I don’t think reasoning will work. I suspect they’re just lost, but I hope I’m wrong.
I'd never heard of her until now, so I searched for her on YouTube, and, apparently, this is her, explaining what happened to her.
Seems like she's had a hard life.

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