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What the fuckety fuck is this thing growing behind my pipe?

Last winter, I had some broken tiles on the roof of a little old extension which is my kitchen larder and downstairs toilet. The water that got in blew some of the bricks in the toilet which used to be an outside toilet and the walls are just brick with a layer of paint, no plaster. Once the roof was repaired, as the main body of the bricks seem sound and as they’re not exposed to the the elements, I thought I’d give them time to dry out thoroughly and then seal and repaint.

But the other day I noticed this THING behind the pipe. I assume it’s a kind of fungus but what? Do I need to be worried? I’ve just left it there for the moment as it’s grossing me out a bit :oops:

It’s about 7cm high. That’s a cold water pipe to the sink incidentally but the toilet is really warm generally as it has a massive radiator for the size of the room which I‘ve left warmer than I normally would to dry out the bricks.

I don't know.
But the worst case scenario would be a fruiting body from dry rot.

I would treat the whole area with a generic version of cuprinol.
Yeah it looks a bit too firm/ solid/ gummy gelatinous to be a fruiting body from dry rot from what I remember. Given the conditions you say it’s in, I’d just pull it off and tip a bit of bleach over it.
I would add, though, if that cold water pipe is in the corner of a wall that’s external, you might want to cut down or remove any outside plants and maybe re coat or point the outside, more for your larder than the loo. I’ve been performing the ostrich manoeuvre with my larder which is inside a wall with heavily overgrown couple of scrambling roses and all the sorts of overgrown vegetation that creatures like to nest in and keeps the wall damp and disguises any cracks in the pointing, and I can’t keep a cardboard tub if salt in there for longer than a couple of months 🤷‍♀️
What is that?

Not an external wall Saunders

ETA wall on left is external, RH wall is internal and backs onto larder
I asked my mum when I found it growing at the bottom of my garden and she called it cup fungi. Not sure if it's proper name.
This stuff was growing on ground where there was a rotting tree.
Don’t you need wood for dry rot? There’s a wood window frame and door but they’re both sound
Pretty sure this would need wood....are you sure there isn't any in the wall somewhere? The fruiting body of the fungus could be growing from mycelia which have spread along the damp bricks/mortar and it's popping out there
Pretty sure this would need wood....are you sure there isn't any in the wall somewhere? The fruiting body of the fungus could be growing from mycelia which have spread along the damp bricks/mortar and it's popping out there
I’m pretty certain. I’ll go and have a look at the outside tomorrow. Maybe there’s something growing up the outside wall? :eek:
I’m pretty certain. I’ll go and have a look at the outside tomorrow. Maybe there’s something growing up the outside wall? :eek:
As WouldBe says it could be quite a small piece that has gotten damp and grown the mushroom. Maybe there's a bit of wood with the pipe fixings?
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