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What do you think happens after death?

What do you think happens after death?

  • Nothing. We just die.

    Votes: 126 77.8%
  • We get reincarnated.

    Votes: 5 3.1%
  • We go to heaven or hell.

    Votes: 4 2.5%
  • We become part of a wider consciousness.

    Votes: 20 12.3%
  • Other, if so, what?

    Votes: 7 4.3%

  • Total voters
If it's true that we when we die the lights go out, and there's nothing more, isn't this all a colossal waste of time and energy? And if the universe is a simulation isn't that even worse (from our pov)? I'm not implying that any of the ready-made religions help us at all.
If it's true that we when we die the lights go out, and there's nothing more, isn't this all a colossal waste of time and energy? And if the universe is a simulation isn't that even worse (from our pov)? I'm not implying that any of the ready-made religions help us at all.

It can’t be really characterised as a ‘waste’ per se - what else would it be being used for? It’s just the way it is. What you’re postulating there is that there is no ultimate point to life, the universe and everything. Which is… just the way it is. As far as we are able to detect.

This is very uncomfortable for some people, so they make up reasons (or buy into previously made-up reasons) for life to have a point. The made-up reasons could be correct. But it’s vanishingly unlikely.
The soul. Where did that come from? The present assumption is that successful life began only once on Earth. We share a part of our DNA with all other animals, insects and plants. If we are the only ones to have souls, why did that happen? If all other animals, insects and plants do have a soul, why did that happen? The only answers to these questions which accept the existence of the soul are religious, and either deny most empirical evidence relating to history, archaeology, geography, geology, biology, physics and cosmology, or rely on completely unprovable divine intervention.
To sum up. The soul - no thanks. Soul Music - yes please.
I've seen some mad shit in my time...but I've never seen a dinosaur ghost. I'd kinda like to though :eek::thumbs:
i’ve heard a lot of people say they believe there must be something after death as where does that energy go? i’m only science-educated up to GCSE point, but even i know is that it does go somewhere - if you’re burnt the energy is
consumed by the flames, if you’re buried, the energy is transformed by decomposition.
but i suspect they mean something else by energy and what they really mean is the ridiculous concept of there being a soul
There can’t be any ultimate point or purpose to it at all can there? It’s an impossibility, because whatever purpose you come up with, it’s not going to be any more meaningful than anything else because ultimately everything is going to end, or continue infinitely, both of which render everything pointless.
If it's true that we when we die the lights go out, and there's nothing more, isn't this all a colossal waste of time and energy?
Why? Why would you think that ? Do you think it about everyone, and all animals and plants or just your self.
Very disagree with the idea that any value or point or pleasure in life depends on some made up thing that may or may not happen after it's over. I find that nuts.

its probably centuries of christianity has done a number on people, the whole social control through delayed reward thing, be good now carrot later, same as hinduism's karma, terrible ideas.
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Why? Why would you think that ? Do you think it about everyone, and all animals and plants or just your self.
Very disagree with the idea that any value or point or pleasure in life depends on some made up thing that may or may not happen after it's over. I find that nuts.

its probably centuries of christianity has done a number on people, the whole social control through delayed reward thing, be good now carrot later, same as hinduism's karma, terrible ideas.
I reckon the world and its human inhabitants would be much better if we all agreed there is no afterlife. Everyone would think "shit, I only have one go at it, I'd better do it right"
yep, its made up, for social control. It's not actual morality (if i am good i can go to heaven / get reincarnated as a rich person) it's just shit. Judaism not too bad on this, doesn't go on about the AfterLife hardly at all, instead all about what use you might be whilst you're actually here and have eyes and hands etc.
Once you grasp this reality you can get on and enjoy yourself
I'm not sure that hedonism works, at least not for long. And there are lots of interfering people around who want you to get a proper job and get married and sit up straight and all the rest.

Why? Why would you think that ? Do you think it about everyone, and all animals and plants or just your self.
Very disagree with the idea that any value or point or pleasure in life depends on some made up thing that may or may not happen after it's over. I find that nuts.
We live and then we die, and in between we struggle to survive (mostly). What is the point? Unless we make up reasons we have nothing. I've never met anyone who got through life without assuming what they do is important or necessary or both.

There is no inherent purpose in our lives - the same for any living thing on Earth. The main thing is to live a decent life and leave the world a marginally better place than before.
You say there is no purpose and then immediately assert that the purpose is to live a decent life.

It can’t be really characterised as a ‘waste’ per se - what else would it be being used for? It’s just the way it is. What you’re postulating there is that there is no ultimate point to life, the universe and everything. Which is… just the way it is. As far as we are able to detect.

This is very uncomfortable for some people, so they make up reasons (or buy into previously made-up reasons) for life to have a point. The made-up reasons could be correct. But it’s vanishingly unlikely.
I don't disagree, but I think the idea there is nothing beyond our material existence is probably wrong. We just have no idea what is going on, and rather than admit our bewilderment we make up stories or say there is no story - both approaches lead us to ignore or rationalise "strange" experiences.


Imagining there must be a purpose “because it’s depressing otherwise” is as coherent as thinking the pandemic must be over because you’re “fed up with it now”. That’s not how causation works.
We get caught up in this dichotomy of purpose or no purpose. There could be some sort of existence beyond death without what we call a purpose.
If it's true that we when we die the lights go out, and there's nothing more, isn't this all a colossal waste of time and energy?

It's a puny amount of time and energy, our existence. All this purpose stuff is immensely tied up with human ego. Afterlife, already dealt with, social control through religion.

There is no purpose. Deal with it.
This is stuff early Chinese thought seemed quite sorted on, the idea of the totality being something formless but operating to patterns that did coalesce as forms such as ourselves again before melting back into the noumenon. Though it did usually go hand in hand with ancestor veneration so clearly had its issues.
There is no purpose. Deal with it.
A couple of questions come to mind:

How can you be so sure?
Why do you need to be so sure?

Doesn't it make more sense just to leave the matter open? Since we don't actually know.

Also, the idea of an existence beyond death can be quite independent of notions of purpose. Like this:
This is stuff early Chinese thought seemed quite sorted on, the idea of the totality being something formless but operating to patterns that did coalesce as forms such as ourselves again before melting back into the noumenon.
It may be just the way things are.
Doesn't it make more sense just to leave the matter open? Since we don't actually know.
Since there is no evidence to the contrary it is safe to assume that there is no life after the death. You can still be equivocal if you want to be, and that's fine. The reason some of us get pissed off with all this is because of the dogmatic, assertive, intolerant, religious teaching we had to endure in our early years. It was all bollocks, and it still is. I have seen nothing to justify any of it, and as time rolls on more and more scientific explanation of life, the universe and everything. All without needing to call on Jah or any of his pals. There's all kinds of claims that you can never disprove because the claims rely on faith. Too many contradictory claims. All best ignored. They can't be disproved but they can't be proved either.
A couple of questions come to mind:

How can you be so sure?
Why do you need to be so sure?

Doesn't it make more sense just to leave the matter open? Since we don't actually know.

Also, the idea of an existence beyond death can be quite independent of notions of purpose. Like this:

It may be just the way things are.

I cannot be 'so sure' and never reached that conclusion with any need for certainty. But it's the explanation that best fits my balance of probabilities. I can't remain 'open' to religious notions because that's just social control, and I'm not that open to 'existence' - with or without purpose - because that seems based in some sort of fear of pointlessness and nothingness and an ego desire to never die. Which is understandable. But I think it clouds the judgement.
. I know what I believe as a Sikh but that view is what gives me comfort and is a private matter. My view is what works for me and if yours works for you as an atheist or a different faith then wicked. Really, it's what we do here and now that's important. As long as you don't act like a cunt, it's all good.
. I know what I believe as a Sikh but that view is what gives me comfort and is a private matter. My view is what works for me and if yours works for you as an atheist or a different faith then wicked. Really, it's what we do here and now that's important. As long as you don't act like a cunt, it's all good.

Having observed actions and results, it appears to be the case that acting like a cunt is likely the whole point of the game.
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