You have very good taste Dubversion! Francis Wheen and Bass culture are two titles sat on my shelf, they remain unread at the mo but...
Am currently reading
Emergence by Steven Johnson.
Its about collective intelligence and power and change coming from the bottom up. Things like why a brain is conscious when no single neuron is. But its also about how people can change goverments and power structures and how cities evolve and communities start. I'm only a couple of chapters in, could be a really heavy book, but it seems to be well written and clear, I'll tell more when Ive finished.
I've just finished
'Duende' by Jason Webster. Its an autobiography stroke travelouge (compared to Chatwin in reviews). Hes a bored young Englishman who heards to Spain in search of Duende, the heart of flamenco. Duende is passion, that close your eyes get goosebumps on your skin type of feeling you get from good music!! Its a great book, well written, interesting (he spends some time in Madrid, living with Gypsies, stealing cars and doing coke.) and a little inspiring, although some parts, some stories seem maybe a bit embellished, a bit too unbelieveable, but it doesn't detract at all. Well recommended.
Sorry if thats a bit long for a first post! They wont all be that long..