Well I finally finished Microserfs.
As is quite common when I read Coupland's books, I found them hard to grasp at first, and with this one struggled with his format - the diary, the computer code, the random words etc. I found it was sometimes deliberately a bit
too geeky, god know knows what it must have been like to read when it first came out, 10? years later I at least have heard of modems, Linux, the internet and the other computer jargon he uses.
That said, I found that 80-90% through I had a kind of epiphany, when I suddenly grasped the message he is trying to put across. I found this with Generation X too, although that wasn't until the final chapter I think.
Have got Scoop! by Evelyn Waugh to read now, the first of the Christmas books to be picked up
have managed the introduction so far