I have just re-read my (new) favourite graphic novel, Alan Moore's "V for Vendetta", which makes reference to "V" by Thomas Pynchon, who i seem to recall being mentioned somewhere in this thread... could i get a brief summation of what it is about by any chance?
Couple of quick comments on some authors also mentioned:
Alice Walker - IMO "The Color Purple" and "Possessing The Secret of Joy" are both good, but the former just
slightly overdoes the sentimentality and the latter just
slightly overdoes the Freudian/Jungian stuff (would be interesting to see what Louloubelle thinks of this book).
On the other hand, i wholeheartedly recommend her first 2 novels, "Meridian" and "The Third Life Of Grange Copeland"... not that i don't recommend the other 2, they are all great books, but "Meridian" was her high point IMO and it has been downhill from there. Having said that, Walker's downhill is still far better than 90% of other authors' uphill... i would still rank her among the Great American Novelists, if slightly eclipsed by the more consistent Toni Morrison.
Sylvia Plath - i read "The Bell Jar", but TBH i wasn't as moved as i thought i would be - my main reaction was "well if this is as bad as depression gets, i have had depression all my life, even the bits of my life i consider to be the good bits"... the state of mind she described just seemed ordinary to me...
Her poetry is fucking hard hitting tho IMO.
Bleh, forgot which other books i was going to comment on... well, it is 4am