Just finished:
Richard Gombin - The Origins of Modern Leftism
(pretty good skinny Pelican job, on the situationists, council communists, socialism or barbarism etc. Translated from da french innit).
Stewart Home - Defiant Post
(one of his early pulp polymorphously-perverse-anarcho-skinhead "he fell backwards spitting out gouts of blood and the occasional tooth" jobs, which originally cost a packet cos it was a hardback but I got it for a fiver at the anarchist bookfair off Haven. Anyway - it does the trick if you like that sort of stuff (and I do!) but you wouldn't pay 12 quid for it).
Just starting:
Humanist Philosophers' Group - Religious Schools: the case against.
(pamphlet from the British Humanist Association. A bit polite and theoretical for my unrefined tastes).
A load of random stuff from the bookfair.
Still reading:
David Keenan - England's Hidden Reverse
(cos I borrowed it from Dubversion and don't want to drop it in a puddle)