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    Lazy Llama

*What book are you reading ?

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Into "We Need to Talk about Kevin" by Lional Shriver.

I was given it by a friend who said the first 50 pages are very hard going, and he disgarded it to be told to persist. He was right, once you get passed the scene-setting and get used to the over-articulate style (nobody talks like that), its got very good.
I've been reading Fear and Trembling by Kierkegaard.

To be honest for all I could tell you about it I'd have been as well just reading a brief summary of the book.
Just finished Gulag by Anne Applebaum - fascinating, packed with detail that brings home reality of Russian labour camps. Just starting Life & Fate - Vasily Grossman. Blown away by this. V long but getting through it. Its a gripping story briliantly written
'Wee Free Men' -Terry Pratchett. Just read the 'Wintersmith' ...finished it that morning when it snowed :)

I have a couple of Pratchett books lined up, "Making Money" and the science of discworld books, I want to have them all out of the way for when the next one comes out, as it seems likely that it'll be his last. *sniff* :(
The Great and Secret Show by Clive Barker. Read it before when I was younger remember enjoying it. Have to wait for my ordered copy of Chasm City by Alastair Reynolds to arrive. Got the Clive Barker book for next to nothing at an fate.
Charles McKean - Battle for the North

Very interesting on the politics and the rivalries among the various companies building railways in Scotland, but his analysis of the Tay Bridge disaster isn't so good. A good and easy read, though.
Just finished the amber spyglass, last of three, then quickly did the finn family moomintroll. Am now on Jack Vance-Star King. Aaah, thin books. I'm going to embark on George R R Martin's A Feast for Crows next, so I needed a couple of thin books, he does go on.
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