Guru of Nothing
Lolita by Nabokov
foamy said:just started Bill Bryson: The life and times of the thunderbolt kid.
Can't remember which of those I read a while back. Wasn't so impressed.Dirty Martini said:A Buyer's Market by Anthony Powell. Second in the Music of Time sequence.
foo said:Well i finished Hound Dog.
my tribute to Elvis' memory reading that.
i was nearly sick a couple of times, laughed my arse off and felt sick at the same time. and now it's over, i want to find Richard Blandford, look him in the eyes and ask 'why?'.
chooch said:Can't remember which of those I read a while back. Wasn't so impressed.
Dirty Martini said:Now: The Willow Wand -- Some Cricket Myths Explored by Derek Birley.
Giles said:Read that one on holiday last week.
Funny and easy to read, good for lounging by the pool, or lying in bed trying to get to sleep when the dr*gs won't wear off.....
Dubversion said:just finished the excellent Yiddish Policemens's Union - it kinda jumps the shark a little but I forgive him because the writing is SO strong.
Now onto You Don't Love Me Yet, the latest Jonathan Lethem. Suspect it's going to be a lighter, frothier effort than stuff like Fortress of Solitude but still totally looking forward to ti.