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Hi i am new to the forum here are some of the books i have read/reread in the last 18 months and would reccomend to others.-
"Them",Jon Ronson
"Eye Witness Bloody Sunday" by Don Mullen.
"Babi-Yar" By A Anatoli.
"Saddam's War" By John Bulloch and Harvey Morris
"One Palestine Complete",by Tom Sergev
"The Taliban" by Ahmed Rashid
"Backfire: A History of How American Culture Led Us into Vietnam and Made Us Fight the Way We Did" by Loren Baritz
"Revelation Space" By Alister Reynolds
"One Flew Over The Cookoos Nest" By Ken Kessy
"Ad Nauseum" (The Onion Year Book)
Hoping to get a copy of "stupid white men" by michael Moore soon
Huey P Newton's "Revolutionary Suicide"...
I'm at the bit after the trial, were he's been thrown in the slammer for manslaughter after being shot by a racist pig. Some great examples of collective initiative against the system..
" Let us go on outdoing ourselves; a revolutionary man always transcends himself or otherwise he is not a revolutionary man, so we always do what we ask of ourselves or more than we know we can do".
Can I most humbly suggest you also search out ?
"Soledad Brother" By George Jackson
"Seize the Time: The Story of the Black Panther Party and Huey P. Newton" by Bobby Seale.
Both great books.