Heh...I'm still scarred by having to read this:
We think it was chosen by someone who then left the group...certainly no one would own up to it!
Eeek! Thankfully no, we don't - everyone gets to choose 5 books to go in the hat, they can be anything (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, comics, whatever) and you can choose stuff you've read before and loved, stuff you've never read but always meant to...anything really. We have had some good choices too, but some of it has been a bit MOR. Don't want to sound snobby, but if I'm going to be reading books I wouldn't necessarily have picked myself then I want to be challenged at least a bit. That's why my picks were: 'Watchmen' (superb comic), 'House of Leaves' (insane typographic ghost story headfuck), 'The End of Alice' (beautifully written and deeply disturbing paedo drama) and two books I've never read, 'The Maltese Falcon' and 'Regeneration'.
See above
It's a mentalist, multilayered book about reading and storytelling, presented in some wigged-out typographic ways, which nevertheless manages to grip like a bitch with its central ghost/horror story. Thoroughly recommended, plus it's funny watching people wondering what you're doing as you turn the book this way and that to follow the typestreams.