I've just finished 'Killing Pablo', too. Very good, I thought - all about the hunt for Pablo Escobar and how the American and Colombian governments were prepared to turn a blind eye to human rights in order to kill him. Pretty well written, I thought.
I've also read 'Dispatches' by Michael Herr, a correspondent for 'Esquire' during the Vietnam War. Amazing stuff - really harrowing (as you'd imagine) but also funny in places. He comes across a bit like the crazy photographer Dennis Hopper played in 'Apocalypse Now'. He describes the madness of being stoned out of your mind in the middle of a war really well.
I'm struggling with 'Crime And Punishment' a bit, now. I can see where it's going theme-wise but the laboured 19th Century language is beginning to get on my tits. I shall persevere, though.