Well over the last few days I've been glued to Fear of Flying by Erica Jong. Which in truth, I should've read years ago
It's bad for me in a way as it means that I think about sex all bloody day & night
It's also been quite depressing in parts, to be reminded that at one time (the seventies) women were so repressed that this book was seen as liberating! Wish I'd read it back then - despite not being born.
Essentially a lot of it is trash, though pretty well written trash, and I haven't been able to put it down.
It's bad for me in a way as it means that I think about sex all bloody day & night
It's also been quite depressing in parts, to be reminded that at one time (the seventies) women were so repressed that this book was seen as liberating! Wish I'd read it back then - despite not being born.
Essentially a lot of it is trash, though pretty well written trash, and I haven't been able to put it down.