Inventing the Victorians by Matthew Sweet.
He's basically trying to take issue with the way we've conceived the Victorians over the last century, and point out that we're a lot closer to them than we like to think. As he says, many of the cultural phenomena we take for granted now are 19th century creations - the cult of celebrity, moralising tabloid newspapers, trash novels, aggressive advertising techniques etc etc.
He also points out that Victorian sexuality has been mythologised far too much - the old chestnut about covering the legs of tables to avoid the suggestion of indecency, for example, is unlikely ever to have been done, and the only contemporary reference to it is in a piece taking the piss out of starchy and moralising Americans.
So far it's very good, and well researched, but I'm not enjoying it as much as I expected - something to do with Sweet's style I think; it's not as engrossing as I hoped.